Part 1 - Moving In

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Thats sorta what Char looks like, just picture a curly haired brunette with freckles or smth

POV - First Person (Charlie)

I wake up, sitting up in bed, hair in my eyes as I try to stretch out my shoulders. I groan loudly and knock on the space above my headboard, signaling to Aaron, my cousin that I'm up. He knocks back. I just moved into his house. I love his family a lot, but I miss my parents more than I can describe. I get up and tuck my hair behind my ears, heading to the bathroom. I wash my face, do my skincare and attempt to brush the thick waves that sit on my head. It takes a while. Aaron and I cross ways when I head back to my room, and he smiles. 

"Hey, Char," he says. "Excited for school today?" He has a pretty bad bed head.

I shrug. "I dunno, it's gonna be weird starting in the middle of the year for me."

He sighs. "It'll be great. If you don't make friends, which I doubt, you can sit with my and the boys."

I scrunch up my face. We both part ways to get ready for school. I look around the room which is packed with boxes and find my clothes, picking out a simple blue Nike crew neck and gray sweats. I put on my favorite pair of chestnut uggs and tuck my hair behind my ears. I grab my makeup bag and do my eye lashes and eye brows. I don't do much, since I haven't been caring about my looks recently. I grab my bag and head downstairs, where me and Aaron eat cereal. Then we leave for school, walking through a trail. My palms start to sweat and I freeze when I see the building. I feel Aaron grab my hand and lead me through the halls to our class. People stare at me. When we get to class, the teacher introduces me and sends me to my seat in the back, right in front of the most gorgeous boy I've ever laid eyes on. 

Andy Goldfarb (im in love)Where stories live. Discover now