Chapter 01 , Keep It

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Inhaled by the soft winds of smoke from the butt of the burnt cigarette between cherry painted fingers, soft smells of vanilla drifted off a blonde

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Inhaled by the soft winds of smoke from the butt of the burnt cigarette between cherry painted fingers, soft smells of vanilla drifted off a blonde.

The faint sounds of a smiths song could be heard playing softly in the background, in the battered down pub that was once her fathers.

Taking a finally drag, Sage stood up brushing herself off before getting ready to peform.

Well, peforms a strong word when it's mostly in front of middle aged men who are drunk off their arses. Still her dad loved her performing in his pub so the young woman kept it going just for him.

Sage knew her voice wasn't perfect. In all honestly she couldn't sing at all but her guitar playing skills heavily made up for it.

Deep breaths.

Keep telling yourself. Deep breaths and you'll be okay.

It was a typical cold night in Dublin, the brunette found herself comforted in the strangers coat she had met two weeks ago, still yet to return it to him. It seemed to be all she wore. Was that weird? She asked herself this everyday yet still wore it all the time.

The sounds of "Fade Into You" By Mazzy Star were slowly played on the sweet sounds of the Green's bass. It was a beautiful song, one she adored and adored even more to cover even if she couldn't live up to the magical Mazzy Star.

Her soft voice oozed throughout the small pub, people smiling and drinking while listening to the young woman. She loved how music could so easily bring people together. Seeing so many smiles (even if half of them were drunk) meant so much in such a cold world.

Many songs had been played. Sage's mother had asked for help behind the bar, now more people had come as the night dragged out.

"Four pints please love." A strong Irish voice of a man said to the young blonde.

The woman was stressed, no doubt, she hated when the pub got so busy, always overthinking that she may mess up peoples order. Nether the less she made up four pints for the man.

"Nice jacket." He smirked waiting for the woman to finally look up at him.

"Er thanks." She replied looking up shock taking over Sage's face. There he was. The sweet and beautiful irish man she had met that one drunken cold night. The same young man she had never got the name of, yet found herself in her coat for the third time.

"Look who it is, the lad with no name." Sage grinned at the man, almost excited to see him. It may be strange but there was something about him, despite only meeting him once and having nothing but a jacket to remember him by.

He beamed at her, excited she had remembered him. He had never forgotten her beauty, the way she smiled even if she may have been far gone in their first meeting.

"What brings you to this old pub then? Stalking me now?" Smiling, Sage knew what she was doing. Sarcasm and messing with people's head was her forte.

"Defineletly not. But if I was to stalk someone, I'd choose a pretty girl like you." The irish man cringed regreting his terrible  choice of words and hope that didn't just put her off him. If she was even interested in the first place.

Sage scoffed, attempting to hide her blushing. The man was a charmer that was one thing she couldn't help but notice.

"Can we just clear this up. I beg you tell me your name. I've spent ages wondering." She looked up to him, knowing she should be serving other customers right now but there was so much the young woman wanted, needed, to know.

"Elijah. Eli." The girl smiled. The name was pretty, beautiful in fact. It suited him is all she thought.

"It's really nice to meet you Eli. I really should get back to serving though." The two smiled and held a look at eachother, before Sage tore her eyes away. She didn't like that look, it made her nervous. How could this boy, young man even, be making her nervous after two interactions.

Night was soon over. The early hours of morning crept in. The pub was open later then normal, due to it becoming increasingly popular over the last few months.

Sage loved accompaning her mother and helping when she could. It made her proud, it made her feel closer to her father which was all she wanted.

There were a few late drinkers outside the pub, which seemed to include Elijah and three young men Sage had never seen before were stood with him.

"Er mum can you just wait in the car, I won't be long." Sage asked. Her mum nodding aswell as giving a wink towards Sage, causing her to roll her eyes. Her mother always knew everything, even if the two weren't as close as maybe the both of them were like, Sage's mother, Dawn knew.

"Should probably give you your jacket back." She announced behind Elijah and his three friends, nervous as all eyes had turned to her.

They were all a very good looking group no doubt about that. Yet Sage's eyes followed Eli's soft brown ones and his did the same to hers. The three boys nodded to him before leaving the two alone. Elijah smiled at her, taking in her whole appearance, Sage Green was stunning.

"Keep it. We'll bump each other again. I know we will." Eli's smiled lingered, growing bigger upon seeing Sage's.

She sighed. The man had the most beautiful smile. What was happening, she found him perfect. Every detail she took in, perfect.

"Goodnight Elijah." He nodded, watching the blonde leave, his jacket looked better on her anyway.

i hate this again. it's not proof read but i wanted something out and this is the best i could do. i love you all 💕

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