Chapter 02 , Josh Jenkinson

205 14 16

Days had been hard.

Oh well.


You'll live, people die, who cares?


Sage stop it. I'm not here anymore. She heard him. Everywhere she went, her fathers voice followed her every step, action and conversation.

It had been exactly 103 days since Sage Green had seen the infamous Elijah Hewson and for some reason it hurt her to the core. A boy, man even, she barely knew, she missed. How could someone she knew so little about be such a thing she was already so attached to.




Days and days. Months and months. What if they all turned into years, the two were clearly not destined to bump into one another it seemed.

Sage pushed the intrusive thoughts away as her mind slowly but surely went absolutely insane over a silly, stupid young man.

Sage pushed the intrusive thoughts away as her mind slowly but surely went absolutely insane over a silly, stupid young man

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liked by @elijahhewson , @isabellawright , and 32 others

- i love my dog 🥰🥰

isabellawright my gorgeous girl

aliciagreen beautiful

user67 that's a cat dumbass

elijahhewson pretty sure that's a cow
➡️ sagegreeny are you calling me a cow

Her heart stopped. No. No. Sage was dreaming. How could he have found her instagram. Well obviously searched her but that's not the point she thought. Stop it Sage, calm yourself.


elijahhewson started following you.

elijahhewson started following you

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Friday Fighting , Elijah Hewson Where stories live. Discover now