Chapter 00 , Sharing Cigarettes.

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Liquid oozed like syrup down the young girl's throat

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Liquid oozed like syrup down the young girl's throat. Everything was strange. Almost unreal. Like some kind of optical illusion. Her arm moved yet she didn't seem to feel it. She tingled, head to toe.

The deep waves of the sea crashed against one another. It was truly miserable in such a beautiful way. The picture of a storm passing through Sage Green's mind.

Sage was wrong. She wasn't picturing any storm, one was honestly coming and she practically sat bare, baggy jeans holding loosley on her, along with a tank top that was the main cause of her current state of freezing.

It didn't effect her though, well it did but well. Fuck!

Her mind was going utterly insane, a complete whirpool of so many random emotions.



Everything went cold. All the built up emotion disappeared with a few splashes of rain. Sage had no idea what was going on in that little pretty head of hers.

It's just a dream she told herself. Just a mindless little dream. You're safe.

You're safe greeny. You're safe darling. She heard the voice of her father say. It echoed through her skin, a sharp and fierce burning pain making her feel the need to vomit everywhere.

A constant sound of a man's voice was going straight past her, the voice of her father's gone. Taken away by the darkness just like he was.

Her chest seemed to move faster, breathing picking up. Fresh burning of bile rising in the girl's throat.

Please! Please, just let me snap out of it. She begged for the universe to let her have one thing good. For one thing to go okay for once.

Sage was a spinning ballerina. One with no audience to cheer her on. One with no teacher to edge her on, to keep going and get better.

Sage suddenly snapped, the voice was there. "You alright las?" A young male's was heard. Her head felt dizzy, time was passing quicker then she could count. Everything heard was going past the girl like it was nothing. The rain slowly spitted, small tear drops falling from the deep, black sky.

The young woman looked up met with eyes of dark rich brown. She was already lost. He had scruffy yet well put together dark hair, a look of concern on his face. Nobody ever looked at Sage like that, in such a way that she felt safe, safe with a complete stranger. It scared her.

Sage eyes still bored into the young man's. Golden rays, deep and almost inky in a way, so much hidden behind them, words stuck and feeling kept with them. Perfectly worn sea glass, or some kind of deep stream running over rocks. She was in utter awe.

"Eh, helloo?" The dark haired man spoke with such a soft but loud tone towards Sage, she almost forgot to answer back again.

"Hi.. sorry um, I'm so behind. Um. Hi." She forced a smile, leading him to let out a slight scoffing laugh, completely in adorasion for the pretty girl sat in front of him.

"You okay? You seem completely in another world, unless you're high." She laughed at his statement the best she could, still in complete shock of the man's beauty.

"Yeah fine, just had a little drink is all." Sage stated pulling out her final cigarette.

She knew it was a silly habit, one all too common for people her age. But she was gonna die one day right? So what if it was from the many cigarettes she downed, at least she got a feeling out of it. Right?

Her heart felt like it skipped a beat. The man took a seat next to her on the small bench, his demeanour of confidence was incredible.

"Can I have a smoke?" He asked, brown eyes boring into hers again.

"Well this is my last one," she noticed his smile start to fade. "No! It's okay we can share this if you would like, or you can just have it, I honestly don't mind. I've had too many anyway." She rambled. Always a rambler not even just when nervous, it was constant.

He laughed, head looking down at his lap, as though the nerves had suddenly gotten to him. "Yeah, we can share."

Sage's breathe shook, taking a small drag from the cigarette between her fingers. Her nails were a cherry red, the colour that always seem to bring her whole appearance out.

Not sure if the cigarette had already had a sudden kick on her or if her next action truly was just her. The young woman took a second drag before passing it the dishelved haired man.

She watched closing as the tip of their fingers touched one another. Eye contact happening again. Sage blew her smoke into his face, a smirk laying on her soft pink lips.

He scoffed, his nerves becoming more persistent now. How could a girl he had just met completely throw him off guard in such a way?

The rain started to pour more, still finely. The brunette was frozen to the bone.

He began to remove his dark leather jacket, jesting the girl to move forward to place it round her.

"No, no you'll be freezing." Sage gasped, pushing back the coat to him, despite him stopping her. "Fine but only because I'm freezing my fucking arse off." She accepted the jacket from him as he laughed at her statement, the scent of him becoming so visible.

There was silence. It lasted a while, yet it didn't seem awkward. Just the downfall of rain and peaceful sounds of waves crashing in the distance keeping the silence from going complete.

"You have a safe way of getting home?" The young man asked, standing up from his spot next to her on the old wooden bench. He watched as she thought, knowing that she had more then just a little to drink.

"Yeah my da- eh mam, sorry my mam can pick me up don't worry." Sage looked down trying to hide the sadness of the mistake she did far too often.

Every time she would be out her father would always offer the ride, even if he was working. He would do anything for his angel and she did the same for him.

"Well nice to meet you, erm, I don't actually know your name," The girl smiled realising they had spoke so little yet it felt like so much, not even stating their names to one another. "Sage, it's Sage." The dark haired man beamed back at her. "That's beautiful. It was nice to meet you, Sage."

Before she could even ask the the same question back he was walking away, either forgetting or choosing not remember that his jacket was still draped across Sage Green's shoulders. Providing her with the comfort she so badly needed yet no longer received.

The rain poured and she drowned. Looking up to the black sky, wishing her father was there to brighten it up.


ew i'm sorry i hate this chapter, the writing is ass but i wanted something out for this. i promise my chapters will be a lot longer then this but this is just the start!

how cute are they already?? and the fact he just left his jacket with her, hello???

please comment, vote etc lmk what you think ily 💗

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