Bubbles covered her oil-soft skin as shivers were sent down her spine. Sage Green adored baths. Tell her she was sitting in her own dirt and she'd shun you away, baths were amazing nether the less. The young woman felt calm, all troubles were out of mind.
When the blonde was young, much much younger, her father would give her baths all the time when her mother would work late nights. Her father knew exactly how she liked them. Almost full, not too high though as Sage hated to get her hair wet in the bath along with bubbles, extra bubbles. Sage's dad would always allow her to have extra bubbles as long as she did not tell her mother. The girl kept her promise to not snitch. Even now adding extra bubbles to every bath, just as her dearest father would.
Sage soaked deep into her bath. Dipping her head under, much to her younger selfs dismay. Everytime increasing the time she was there for each dip.
Stop it! Fucking weirdo. Sage you have to stop, keep yourself alive stop being mental!
Voices. Voices. Voices!
Mental bitch Sage thought.
Baths were lovely. A peaceful time for the mind, dim and beautiful. Thoughts of Elijah Hewson playing on the brain, sweet sweet boy.
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INSTAGRAM MESSAGES: elijahhewson , sagegreeny
sagegreeny: excuse me, mr hewson
elijahhewson: yes, miss greeny
sagegreeny: is thou free tonight?
elijahhewson: if it's a date i am
sagegreeny: woah you really do have a few balls
elijahhewson: no only one at the minute
sagegreeny: AT THE MINUTE??? girl.
elijahhewson: don't girl me
sagegreeny: be ready at 7 mr testicle.
elijahhewson: no, you've lost your elijah privileges
sagegreeny: okay i cancel tonight then
elijahhewson: NO I'M SORRY. read by sagegreeny.
elijahhewson: i'll be ready at 6:30.
Elijah swore under his breath. How could it be that on times something was truly needed it wouldn't just appear for you. The young man rummaged constantly through freshly washed clothes, everything but his favourite jacket was there.
Stressed was an understatement. He had to look perfect for this night. Was it a date? Yes. No. Maybe, all he could hope for was a yes. It had to be, right, surely? Elijah. Stop being so silly. Silly little boy praying his heart won't be broken again, again and again.
Love, love, love. Please treat this one right.
Sighing Elijah headed for the door.
Sage Green was shitting herself. Absolutely and utterly shitting herself. Why was the woman so nervous to go on a date with a man she had met many times. By many she met literally twice. For some reason to her it felt like hundreds.
The more she thought, the more she nearly threw up. So instead, while on the bus she put on her wired earphones and played her favourite album. Laid by James. Her father would always listen to James not matter what day of the week it was. Low mood. James would be on. Happy mood. Again James would be straight on. There was no band the man loved more, it brought him utter happiness.
Sage's eyes drifted from the dirty seats in front to the widow, where the bench she first met Elijah Hewson stood. It stood still. Sage smiled. God please let tonight go well.
After the bus journey, Sage seated herself outside the restaurant the pair were meeting. She waited. And waited for what seemed like forever - it had been a whole 5 minutes, which when waiting nervously could become hours.
Then 5 minutes turned out not to be her imagination. It had been a whole hour. A whole hour the young woman had sat on that ice cold bench with nothing but a thing cardigan to keep her wrapped up from the devastating news she was about to realise for herself.
Elijah Hewson never showed up to their so called date.
A/N , ITS BEEN A HOT MINUTE. i'm back guys! summer is here so i have more time for writing. i missed this story so bad, i know it's a super short chapter but i needed something out. cliffhanger too! hope you're all well <3