Make My Day

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Roman Pov

"Take a step towards her and you will wish for death"

I was not fucking around with this asshole, he was not about to hurt this goddess. I know I don't even know her name but I was determined to worship the ground she walked on.

"Roman, calm down this needs to happen." 

Lily grabbed my arm trying to get me to calm down but I was on high alert. I kept my eyes on Jasper just wanting him to make a move towards her to make my fucking day.

" Jasper I asked God to get you so I can make things right, I am so sorry I led you down a path of sin."

I couldn't believe the things that were coming out of my goddesses mouth. How could she say these things, If Jasper was down here it was because of him not her you can't make someone do something that they don't want to do.

" I knew you would fix this. I only wanted to protect you, you know I am the only one who will loe you."

I go to charge at him to break him for the shit he's saying to her but fucking Lilly stops me.

" Jasper why must you lie infront of me."

God stands up from his chair walking towards Jasper.

" Speak the truth child."

God holds the back of Jaspers neck while lookinginto his eyes and pushes against his chest.

Jasper looks at my goddess and I was not prepared for what came out of his mouth.

" Grace, little sister."

Ah so thats my Goddesses name how fitting.

" we are twins, soulmates. no one could have you but me we were born together for us to have someone umconditionally love eachother."

Hearing him talk I start to get the creeps, like come on 

" Okay Cercie Lannister"

I hear Lilly whisper and try not to break out laughing.

"Grace, thoese boys at schol they wanted to take you from me. And the girls they were mad at you for your beauty they would have hurt you. They had to pay."

Jasper said slowly as if trying to choose his words wisely God presses against him again,


Jasper stated yelling now finally we are getting to the truth. I look at my Goddess Grace and she has tears in her eyes. the emotions in hr eyes made my breath leave my lungs. I could see the pain and remourse in her eyes.

" Jasper thoese kids didnt deserve that, your my brother, what do you mean if you couldn't have me?"

She asks her voice quiet and shaking.

"I loved you Grace and you wouldn't love me back. I could have made you happy we would have made a family together."

I couldn't stand listening to him anymore but I know my Goddess needed to hear this.

"Grace the only thing I regret is that the police got to me before we could die together. But now that your here your mine."

And finally the moment i've been waiting for happens he tries to rush owards my Goddess with his arms out.

" Finally"

thats the only thing that came out of my mouth before I tackle him before he gets in arms length of my Goddess.

" I warned you fuckface " 

I say while smiling. getting on him I start punching him in the face. His weak attempts to fight back almost make me laugh. I get up and decide to pull a Hulk and treat him like loki.

As I fling him side to side making him hit the floor each time. The only thing that stops me is a gentle had touching my back.

" Please stop, let me talk to him.'

Hearing her sweet voice and feeling her gentle hand I instantly drop the garbage i'm holding and turn to her getting on my knees.

"Yes Goddess"

I say and I hear lily gasp at me knowing exactly what this means.

(663 Words)


Hey guys I hope you like this chapter and I am so sorry if this feels rushed. I was stuck on how I wanted this chapter to go.

I can't wait to read you guys reactions. Also please comment where there are spelling issues and I will fix them.

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