The Front Deathk

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Grace POV

"My name's Penny by the way"

I smild at her. She seemed nice but I know not to trust it at first, the niceness never lasts.

"Oh okay, thats a beautiful name i've been calling you the girl in he red hoddie in my head."

We both laughed and for  spilt second I felt calm and relaxed. But it didn't last long.

"Hello welcome to the front Deathk how can I help you?"

A demon that was sitting said. He was very tall even with him sitting down I had to look up to see his face. He was gray all over different shades it seemed. His eyes were black but they felt very welcoming.

"Hey, I need her file and well be on our way, She said she needs to talk to God so we are going to open it with him."

Penny said smiling at the demon. I noticed that her smile didn't really reach her eyes. I felt bad for taking up her time with my problems. She probably has better and more important things to do.

" No problem Penny, Here it is " 

He smiled while handing my file to her. He looked at me and I felt ashamed. He already had nough people in the line behind us, He doesnt need o be dealing with my problems when there are more pressing matters he probably needs to focus on.

"It's small, is it always this small."

I questioned. I knew it was terrible. But I thought that they didnt have everything or that they got the wrong file.

"Let's just talk to God okay, He will explain everything."

I took a deep breath and nodded my head. It's time I'm finally gonna right the wrong I did to my brother.

Roman POV

"Bel you called me?"

Walking into Bel's office he was sitting with Greg. Which was odd seeing as they were both smiling at me.

" Little brother, Penny helped a soul thst needed to meet with God, I need you to help at the Hellp Desk."

" And why can't you or Greg do it?"

I've never worked at the Hellp Desk, but I knew the stories. And I didn't want to be there.

" We have errands to run so head down and Penny should be back soon."

I knew I couldn't argue with Greg. One because he would win and two he lowkey scares me.

" Fine"

Walking out of the office I heard them saying Good luck but I was already trying to prepare myself for all the bull shit and Karens that I am going to have to deal with. 

My mind went to the soul Penny was helping. I wondered if the soul was okay, if it was a litle kid or if it was somone kinda in the same state Penny was in when she first got here, either choice seemed terrible in my opinion. I hope I get to meet this soul. 

I couldn't think more on the matter  since I arrived. I knew I was goin to pay Jasper a visit after Penny gets back.

(500 words)

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