Chapter 1: The Return

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She stood there in awe. It had been two years since the two of them had seen each other, and she swore that each time it was like the first. He had brown hair that was overgrown. His white tee was soaked from sweat and had stains most likely from playing against the guys at the River Court. She walked up slowly but he still hadn't noticed her, she had to adjust her throat just to finally get his attention.

Liam Scott... When he turned around it was as if the world stopped and no one else existed. Her best friend, in the short times he was in Tree Hill visiting with his family- they had become the best of friends. Connecting through the part time work she did at Karen's Café, they hung out and soon you could not separate them.  They had the same interests- loved to read, laugh and watch corny tv shows together. She had medium length brunette hair with blonde highlights. The knitted jacket she wore was overfit but she loved to be comfortable.

"Look who it is," he smirked as he dropped the ball and walked towards her. They embraced in a hug for what seemed like hours, she didn't want to let go. "You don't know how excited I am that you are back," She smiled. He nodded & they walked over to the bench. Claire Evans was a high school Sophomore, she had lived in Tree Hill her whole life. Her mom Quinn and her dad Clay were here for most of their adult life and she loved this town. The only thing she was missing was Liam. His parents Lucas and Peyton moved before he was born, the town meant a lot to them but they had to get a fresh start. They tried to visit as often as they could, but Claire always thought it wasn't enough.

"So," she pushed him, "tell me everything!" He laughed as he shook his head. "I think we are back for good," he smiled. She stood up and almost screamed, but it was late so she quickly caught her excitement. "I'm not excited for what you all are going through," she reiterated, "I'm just so excited to hear you finally say those words!" He laughed at the sight of her excitement, as if they were still little. "Yeah, everything is a mess- my mom's company is under fire, I don't think she could have handled that from California." Claire nodded, "Yeah I saw the news. Do you think they are just trying to get the money?" He shrugged, "No idea actually. They breached the contract, but are saying Red Bedroom did."

Peyton's company Red Bedroom Records signed the rock band Down Fall last year, and since then it had been a headache to produce their music. They wanted royal treatment, they wanted more money- soon Peyton released them from their contract but they were now suing for the royalty money they said they were owed. It was all over the news. The Scott family didn't like to be in the public eye so it was a lot to take in. Liam didn't seem interested in the topic.

"How is school," he asked. She smiled and shrugged, it was the beginning of the year so there wasn't too much happening. "Eh.. its school. I'm dreading this years algebra class. The teacher is such a weirdo and definitely has favorites." She stood up and signaled for him to hand her the ball. "Gimme," she smirked. He stood up and they walked onto the court. "If I make this, you have to take all my tests for me, since you're a mathematician," she joked. He nodded, "but what do I get if you don't?" She thought about it for a second, she wasn't going to make the shot- wasn't in any way shape or form good at any kind of sport so she had to make it worth while. "You'll buy me dinner?" She laughed. He shook his head, "how does that work? You win in both cases! No.. I want something good too. Maybe you buy me dinner." She agreed and prepared her stance. "This is how I picture you in your first game here," she lifted the ball to try to shoot the shot. It missed, of course. He ran to grab the ball before it bounced off. "I'm not playing," he said. She looked confused, "wait what?!" He smiled and dribbled the ball to shoot. It fell into the basket. "Yeah, I'm going to just chill this year.." he trailed off. "I don't think so! Are you insane? You've played basketball every season since you were like 4." He held up five fingers and laughed. "Five actually. There's a lot going on right now at home, I don't know how long we will be here and plus- the season already started and I don't see there being a spot." She didn't like that response, the fact that he wasn't saying he was staying, it all made it seem so temporary.

"I think you're making a bad decision," she said as they walked to her car. "I can always count on you telling me what I am doing wrong," he joked. She didn't laugh. "Liam, this is your home- how can you not want to make the most of being here," she sighed. He seemed distraught, as if he wanted to please her but also wanted to change the subject. "I am making the most," he wrapped his arm around her, "I'm here with my best friend, going to make other friends and enjoy the time." She smiled, but quickly stopped. "I just don't think you are you without basketball. You remember that one time when you sprained your ankle while we were chasing Logan- that whole week you moped around because you missed two games." He laughed and pushed her away, "you dork- I was 10." He opened the door to her car, "I promise, I'm not going to mope around, we're going to have a blast." She shook her head in disbelief but agreed with him still.

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