Chapter 4: Ready or Not

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As the bell rang, Lydia made her way out of Chemistry down the hall. She had her hoodie up and was ready for the day to be over. She adjusted her book bag as she walked, doing everything to avoid eye contact with anyone. Flashbacks to that night kept haunting her- she didn't know how to escape them but did know she could only come clean.

It was Friday night, she and Melissa McFadden had decided to stay in and watch a movie together. Haley and Nathan Scott had went to Jamie's dorm to help him move out. They'd be up there the entire weekend so she had the house to herself. She wanted it to be a girls night so she planned it all out up until she received a text from Melissa saying that Nathan Smith was hosting a party and wanted everyone there. Although she wasn't up for a party-  she didn't have anyone else to hang out with and didn't want to waste a Friday night.

Her and Davis Baker had been dating a year and three months, while she loved him they were hitting a rough patch. He was so tuned in to making point guard on the team this upcoming season that he was busy most of time and they hadn't spent quality time alone nor had they talked much. If they did talk it was always about how he planned to dominate the season and how he had to keep his grades on par to stay on the team. He bragged about having Jude to cover his ass when it came to academics. It was always about what he was doing, never about anything they were doing. She loved his drive and that he loved the game so much- she understood more than anyone having her own brother James destined for the NBA but she also just wanted the Davis that she met a year ago.. the one who was so smitten with her they did everything together.

She got dressed and she called Melissa to pick her up. She was wearing a black leather skirt with a pink top, she had her hair half up and was ready for a night out. When they got to the party it was packed with people from school and even people she didn't recognize. Upon entering they were both handed a shot as a ticket to get in- the girls laughed before they downed it. "Typical Nate," Lydia sighed. They made their way to the kitchen which was now beer pong central. Nathan Smith was standing on one side joking around with one of the guys when he saw her. He approached smelling like liquor, cigarettes and looked as if he had already had way too much. "Found my partner," he laughed as he put his arm around Lydia. Melissa laughed as she looked around. She saw her brother Edward and called him over. "Are you sure you can aim," Lydia asked Smith. He couldn't hear so she repeated herself louder. "You don't have to worry about me," he winked. She rolled her eyes and they began playing.

She was having fun but she could tell he was way over his head and should probably be cut off. "Hey I'll do the shots, let me get on your level," she joked to him so that he'd let her drink more and he'd avoid passing out. He surprisingly agreed. Towards the end of the night she was sure that he needed to lay down- any more drinking would cause him to end up in the hospital or better yet make a fool out of himself in front of his team mates. "Hey let's get you to bed," she suggested. He didn't answer or seem like he understood so she grabbed his hand and let him to the back of the house. She had never been to Bevin's lake house before so she had to check every room so see which was his. It made all the sense that his room would be the one with the trophies and posters. Smith was a drunk and a player but he loved basketball and was a great athlete. "I'm sorry you have to do this," he said hanging onto her. She helped him on the bed. "It's totally fine, I didn't want you to hurt yourself," before she could finish the sentence he grabbed her arm and pulled her in for a kiss.

She didn't pull away, she regretted that now. She did stop and ask him "what are you doing?" To which he responded, "we are just having fun." She laughed. He wouldn't remember any of this. She pushed him away, "Go to bed. And don't forget to take an advil when you wake up." He smiled and grabbed her hand, "stay with me." She had a choice right then and there. She could have left- she could have left and called Davis to pick her up. But in that moment all she saw was Nathan's hazel eyes.

Back in reality she was still making her way to her next class when she heard him behind her. "Stop running away," Davis said loudly. It felt like the whole school stood still even though it didn't. She acted like she didn't hear so he grabbed her arm and turned her around. "D this is not the time nor place," she said looking around to make sure it wasn't already causing a scene. "Oh my bad," he exclaimed, "when is it a good time or place to go over you sleeping with Nathan Smith?!" She shook her head before noticing Sawyer standing behind Davis in surprise. "Wait what.." Sawyer said. Davis laughed. "Gotta be kidding me.." he whispered. "You slept with Smith?" Sawyer said walking up to Lydia. She knew all eyes were on her now. "S," she sighed, "I wanted to tell you earlier that's why I wanted to meet." Davis threw his hands up in the air, "so when was I going to be apart of the discussion? I had to hear from Smith himself when he was bragging about you two in the locker room." Sawyer didn't know what to say- she looked around and walked away. Lydia called out to her but she ignored her. "Davis- just stop," she said angrily, "you're making a scene." He again sarcastically laughed looking distraught, disgusted and ashamed. "No- the scene was my girlfriend walking out of his room. You made the scene, don't put that on me." He shoved himself past her as she stood there.

She chased after him outside in the court yard. "Can you just wait," she screamed. He stopped but didn't turn around. He fist was clinched and he was tomato red in his face, obviously embarrassed. "I made a mistake okay. Me and you have been rocky lately and I went out and I got drunk and I made a mistake." He shook his head and turned around, "a mistake isn't sleeping with someone else Lyd. If that's your version of a mistake- I feel for you. Everyone saw you, everyone. You lied to me, you had me thinking you loved me.. you had me thrown for a loop." She got closer to him to grab his hand but he pushed away. "No- don't touch me. You're done, we're done. To me you are nothing. You're sloppy, you're used up and Smith deserves you. There's nothing more here. Good luck with Sawyer, for her own sake I hope she stays away from you." He turned around and walked off, not looking back.

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