Chapter 3: Welcome Home

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Claire and Liam walked around the corner and found Julia Baker and Jude Baker arguing near their lockers. "I can't believe you just said that," she exclaimed. Jude was laughing but his face went pale once he saw Claire. "Hey guys," she said, "Hi Jude.." Jude picked up his book bag nodded at Liam and walked away. "I guess we're still doing this," Julia joked. Nobody laughed and Liam looked confused.

Claire and Jude had dated last year and they were off and on before Claire finally ended the relationship. She broke it off at Jude and Davis's lake house party last year for their birthday, he still hadn't forgiven her. It was a fun relationship, but to her it wasn't serious and she could never figure out why he was so hurt by it ending.

"What was that abo-" Liam began to ask. Julia cut him off, "oh you know boy loves girl, girl doesn't love boy" she joked. Claire rolled her eyes, "don't start." Julia shrugged and smiled at Liam. "Hey Jules," he smirked as he leaned in to hug her. Claire cleared her throat to break the tension. These two always had something, she couldn't pin point what it was but they were always fond of each other. It was like when Julia was around, she disappeared. Liam said bye to the both of them and headed to the front office to find his class schedule.

"So what was going on between you and Jude?" Claire asked. Julia rolled her eyes, "You can't tell anyone." Claire laughed, "since when do I have anyone to tell." Julia nodded in agreement and laughed. "Okay so get this- Davis and Lydia broke up last weekend.. over Nathan Smith." Claire looked confused, "wait- what?" Julia nodded, "Yeah I know! Apparently, she got wasted and something happened between the two of them and Davis found out. He is PISSED." Claire was confused, "Smith? The Junior" Julia nodded with her eyes wide, it was hot gossip to her even though it included her brother. "Yeah so this morning Davis stormed off to find Smith and I kept Jude here because to me- it isn't our business. Yes, that is our brother but Lyd is also our friend and technically like family so I refuse to get in the middle just like I refused when you two broke up... Jude doesn't feel the same. He wants nothing to do with Lydia." It made sense, Jude had been hurt and now he wanted to defend his brother who had been hurt.

"That is insane," Claire said still in disbelief, "they have been dating for like a year." Julia nodded, "actually two. I have no idea what happened but it's bad." Claire looked around, "do you think we should find her?" Julia shook her head, "I told you I don-" Claire cut her off. "JULES, she's our friend." Julia rolled her eyes but agreed. They went to go find her.

After searching for a few minutes, they found Lydia inside the library with her head on her backpack. They couldn't tell whether she was asleep or just trying to hide from the world. She was always well dressed, the life of the party and always the center of attention. Today, she was wearing sweatpants and a hoodie with her hair pulled into a bun. This wasn't the Lydia Scott they knew, but it made all the sense after hearing the rumors swirling around. Claire sat next to her and tapped her shoulder. She grunted as if she wanted to be left alone. "Don't do that-" Claire exclaimed. Lydia sat up and adjusted her hair, "I don't want to talk about it." Julia nodded, "that's not why we are here. We just wanted to check on you." Lydia sarcastically smiled, "yeah I'm sure." Julia rolled her eyes and sat back into her chair. "Don't be like that," Claire said, "we really are just worried about you. We don't care about the specifics, we just wanted to get you back up on your feet." Lydia sighed. "This is a mess.. Guys I really screwed up this time." Julia had a hard time not being mad at her, it was her brother after all. "He's mad but he will get over it," she said with sympathy trying to be the bigger person. "No," Lydia said, "he won't and he won't be the only one who is mad. This is such a mess- I was drunk I didn't mean any of it." Claire looked at Julia who was already looking at her. "How serious are we talking," Claire asked. Lydia put her head back into her back pack and didn't say a word.

Before Lydia could speak Sawyer and Logan walked into the library. Sawyers eyes lit up when she saw her cousin Lydia. "LYDDDD," she exclaimed as she ran to her. Claire and Julia noticed the lack of excitement on Lydia's part and again gave each other a look. "Hey Soyyy I'm so glad you're finally here!" She said as she hugged her, making eye contact with both the girls. "Get to class," Logan told Claire as she made a face at him. Big brothers were always ruining the fun. "Hey I should get going too," Lydia said as she began to gather her things, "Can we catch up at lunch?" Sawyer nodded, she also observed the weirdness Lydia was giving her.

Logan and Sawyer watched all three of the girls make their way out of the library. "What's up with her," Sawyer asked. Logan shrugged his shoulders, "there's no telling. Lydia has had quite the year." Sawyer laughed, "what's that supposed to mean?" "She's such a party animal- so there's no telling what's up with her is what I mean," he joked. Sawyer looked taken back, "party animal? Lydia Scott?" He nodded, "the partiest of all animals," he said as he put his arm around Sawyer, "we gotta catch you up on so much!" The two of them laughed.

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