Chapter 2: Missed You

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"Well hello Uber driver," Sawyer Scott laughed as she opened the door to Logan Evans' truck. Dressed in a sundress, she had blonde curly hair that she got from her mom. Logan was the first son of Clay Evans, adopted by Quinn. He was tall and has brown short hair. He was fit, and was a gym rat so it showed. They had been best friends for about five years- their parents made them go to summer camp together every year where they grew close. This of course stopped once they turned 17 but they did miss those days.

"I better get a generous tip," he joked. She laughed and shoved him with her elbow. "I'm so pumped for this year," she exclaimed, "together again at last!" He smiled. "Whattttt.. you aren't happy I'm here?" she asked. He laughed and nodded, trying to pay attention to the road and not get distracted by her antics. "I'm very glad you're here, its like old times," he reached into the side pocket of his door and grabbed a box, "and to prove that, I got you a welcome home gift." Her eyes lit up, "YOU DIDNT HAVE TO" as she took the box. When she opened she found a necklace that had cheer poms, she ripped it out the box and attempted to put it on. "It's to congratulate you on making the team," he smiled. "Making it?! That team is mine," she joked. "But really- thank you. Its such a thoughtful gift." She rubbed his arm.

She was his best friend, but he had always cared for her more. He looked after her and he did his best to support her in all the things she did. He knew everything about her, she was a cheerleader back at her school in California and it was her life. She was more than that though, he knew she loved art and design. She wanted to go to Columbia and major in fine arts and he believed she would get in with no issue. She didn't feel the same or even hint that she might, she spent a lot of time in Tree Hill with her on and off again boyfriend Nathan Smith, Tim & Bevin's son. Logan wasn't his biggest fan, but regardless he supported Sawyer despite it all.

"So you excited to see Nathan," he questioned. She shrugged, "it doesn't matter." He looked over at her, she wasn't smiling and her response made him a little relived inside. "Is everything okay with that?" he asked. She nodded, "its as good as it can get with him I guess. We really haven't spoken since July- he calls sometimes but its more to talk about himself." "Wow-" he laughed, "You mean to tell me Nate Smith is all about himself, who would have thought-" she shoved his arm again. "He just is too consumed with the season, his friends and the parties-" she explained. Logan nodded his head in agreement, he knew Nathan more than Sawyer- they had played basketball together for years and he knew he was no good. "I told you," he smirked. "Oh here we go," she rolled her eyes, "yes he isn't the most romantic, but he's fun and we have a lot of fun together. He isn't as bad as you swear he is." Logan rolled his eyes back at her, "c'mon we are talking about the same Smith that left you last summer at that house party because he got arrested. I had to pick you up and we had to go bail him out." She laughed remembering the incident, "he was drunk and it wasn't purposefully, I just couldn't ride with the cops," she laughed.

They reached the school and both got out of the truck. He pulled her backpack from the back seat and walked around to hand it to her. She was smiling  while staring at the school. "I really never thought I'd get a chance to go here," she said, "it's surreal." He laughed as he started to walk off, he turned around and signaled for her to come on, "its just high school- lets go."

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