Beast of Piltover

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Part. 38


POV: You

This was five years ago, when I was a senior in high school. I was riding my motorcycle down the dirt road that lead to my house. On both sides of me was fields of wheat being grown, waving in the wind. The fields of wheat and is now a small forest before opening up into a large clearing where there are multiple buildings. In the drive way to the house was a large black SUV.

"Who the hell could that be?"

I roll up to the garage and put  my kick stand down and putting my helmet on the handle bars. I raised an eyebrow as I walked up to the front door, hearing bickering inside.

"My property is not for sale, it has been in my family for generations and it will stay that way" I hear my grandpa state from the dining room.

"From what I've seen, it will be if you don't pay off all that debt you've gained" I hear a man say "You might as well sell it and gain more"

"My debt will paid off upon the next harvest" Grandpa states.

I walk into the dining room and find Grandpa siting at the head of the table with Mom and Dad at his side. At the other side of the table was a man in a business suit, at this sides were three large men, probably body guards of some type.

"What's going on here?" I question.

"Nothing grandson, these men were just leaving" Grandpa says before coughing a bit.

"Yes, we were" The man says before standing up "But we will be back"

"You will not" Dad says.

The four men walk out of the room and out to their car. Getting inside it then driving away.
Grandpa sighed as he tried to stand up from his seat.

"Who are that?" I question.

"Just some guys who are filled with nothing but greed" Grandpa states then grabs his cane.

"They want to buy the farm and make some casino and resort with a massive golf course" Mom states to me.

"Fucking pricks" I say.

"No matter grandson, everything will be alright" Grandpa says then coughs once more.

I then caught of a smell, Like something was burning. I dash outside and the sent of smoke filled my nose I go to investigate, leading me to the fields. Once I get there I see a blazing inferno sweeping across the fields. The wheat burning away with the wind spreading the fire at an unstoppable rate. The fire had looked to of started from the road and burned outwards on both sides.

"Those fucking bastards"

Starting on that day, a rage grew in me, different from the anger from when I was bullied for being powerless, this became an extension of it. One about trying to take my world away from me, the things I care about, the things that have meaning to me.

{Time Skip}

It's been a week since the fire in the fields. All of the fields were lit ablaze, there wasn't a single ounce of wheat left to salvage, only ash. The day after that, all the dairy cows were found dead, the chickens the next day, the goats the next day, then the sheep, I'm sure the horses will be next. That man, he's terrorizing us just to give up what's ours. I'm in the barn doing bench presses, 500 lbs on the bar. Well, make shift weights, two sets of tractor weights, one set on each side with 250 lbs on each set. My rep number is unknown, I lost count. I've just been lifting the weight, my anger coursing through my veins and infecting my mind. Sweat pooling onto the old bench press seat.

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