Chapter 6 - Files

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(Oana's POV)

Once we arrived back to base, everyone was glad to see Sonic back alive. Especially Tails. He would not let go of Sonic for five minutes. I smiled at their reunion. True friendship. A real relationship.

I looked away and walked the other way into the room of was provided. Once the door closed, I sat on the bed and pulled out the picture of my home. I miss it. I want to go back. I want to see Mother. I want everything to go back to when it was. Hunt for my village. Play music and dance the night away with my people. Finish the ceremony. A knock came to the door before it opened. Gadget was at the door.

"You okay?" He asked, holding his hands nervously. I took off my mask and set it beside me.

"I miss home," I answered, looking at the picture again. Gadget looked at the holographic picture before taking a seat next to me. He placed a hand on my shoulder for comfort. I guess he understands what it feels like to be away from home. He's a survivor of the attack in the city. His home is close to ruin. I wonder how he feels about this feeling. What is it called? Does it have a name?

Before I could ask him, he yawned. I gently took his hand and led him to the bed on the other side of the small room. I removed his glasses and set them on the stool before asking him to take off his shoes. He does what he was told with another yawn. I leaned him back before tucking him in. I felt like my mother to him. She would tuck me in bed when I was a child. I smiled at the memory as I wished Gadget a good night. I returned to my bed, removing my armor and weapons. I set them underneath my bed, just in case someone had any idea of stealing them or harming Gadget and me.

As I tucked myself into bed, I whispered, "Dear Gaia, I wish for your protection for the resistance and my people at home. Please guide us through our time in war. Please guide us to victory. Goodnight, my goddess."

I closed my eyes.


I gasped awake at the burst of light. I looked around to see red fire surrounding me. Then I heard screaming in the distance. I then see bodies on the earth, limp. Tears build in my eyes as I bumped into someone behind me. I jumped away to see Mother. Relief filled my chest as I ran to her. But as I was about to touch her, she disappeared like an illusion. I looked around, calling out to her. But I heard nothing but screaming and the cracking fire. Then I sensed someone behind me. I backed away to see the jackal floating just above the dirt. I searched for a weapon, anything. But my hand found nothing. He chuckled at my struggling state.

"You have left your people to failure. Left them to delicious fear. You were going to be the next chief of your village and this is what they deserved under your rule? How selfish. How pathetic."

I hit my head on the ground, cupping my ears, and pulling them down. I do not want to hear him talk. A hand cupped my jaw and forced my eyes to meet with his. The tip of his gloves slowly tapped against my cheek, playing with my skin.

"You have failed your people. Your home. Your mother. You don't deserve life for your selfish actions."

He raised his other hand up, claws ready to strike. I could not move. I was frozen. Frozen in fear. I tried to pull away but his grip was too strong. As I watched the shine of the fire dance on his claws, his gaze froze me in place.

"Goodbye, Warrior."


I gasped awake, jumping off my bed in a panic. I pulled out a small dagger in a stance, ready to fight. But I was welcomed to the dark room with a peacefully sleeping red wolf facing the wall.

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