Chapter 9 - Feelings

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(Infinite's POV)

I felt like I was dreaming. I've heard of what this strange feeling might be, but could it be fake? I could have been confused with amazed perhaps? I flinched at the sharp poke of one of the doctor's machines hitting my chest. "My apologies," the red robot said with concern before going back to work. The ruby has been acting strangely. Unauthorized. Out of control on my way back.

Once the procedure was finished, I made my way to my respective room. If you could call it that. I opened the door to see a large opened cylinder capsal with some matting inside. As soon as I stepped inside, my head started to ring. My hands flew to my head but the ringing stopped before I could touch my mask. I looked around to see that I was back in the Mystic Jungle. As soon as I looked behind me, I saw her.

Oana. Standing in front of me with an unreadable expression. She stepped closer as her hand reached up to touch my mask. Once her hand made contact, the ringing echoed in my head again. I ran into a wall and I looked around again. I was back in the lab in my room. My chest was tight. What happened to me? Why did I see her? I shook my head, getting rid of my dizziness. I opened my eyes and I saw Oana standing in front of me. She quickly pinned me to the wall with the same expression as before. I couldn't tell what she was thinking, but it was something I didn't recognize. Her hands slid up my arms to my shoulders, making me shiver. Her hands crawled to my mask, slowly pushing it up. My chest was filled with excitement and fear.

Why was she here? Is she here? Is this real? I reached my hand out to touch her cheek. But as soon as I touched her, she vanished out of sight. I groaned to myself. Why is this happening to me? Why now? Out of all the times in my life, why now? I felt the ruby hum in my chest. I have felt the ruby hum before, but it felt different. A different sensation. A feeling of desire. Of want. An addiction.

I shook my head again as I walked inside to cylinder capsal. As soon as I closed my eyes, the memory of what the ruby caused made me shiver again. The image of Oana pinning me against the wall. Tracing my arms with her smooth skin. Her eyes trapping me into a long trance. I opened my eyes and stopped the lid shut. I panted for air as my stomach tightened. My face grew hot. I felt a sensation of desire. I thought back to what the ruby had shown me. Oana. The thought of having her by my side, in my arms, makes me...happy. I...want her.

I pushed the lid away and hopped out. I entered the hallway, looking for any robots or cameras. When it was clear, I went back inside my room and used the ruby to teleport myself somewhere else. I didn't know where, but somewhere else. Away from the lab.


(Oana's POV)

I woke up on a bed. I jumped to my feet, pulling out a dagger. Did someone take me without anyone noticing? As I looked around, I recognized the red wolf sleeping with his tongue hanging out of his mouth. I let out a sigh of relief as I sheathed my dagger. I walked into the strange room with a bowl on a table, a curtain hiding something with smooth stone, and an oddly shaped chair with a little lever. I pushed it and jumped at the loud noise it made.

I hissed at it before it became silent. I waited a minute before leaving the room. I looked over at Gadget to see him still asleep. I then thought, 'When was the last time I had a bath?'

I took a sniff on my arm. I was hit with the smell of oil and dirt. I need a bath. I looked back at the room I was in with the odd chair. I unlocked my room door before I peeked through into the hallway. It was silent with the sounds of faint snores. I locked the door behind me and quietly walked through the halls. It did not take long to the outside. As I made a few feet away, I looked back at the base. I thought of my people inside. I turned away.

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