37 - I drunk

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Hyunjin and Felix walk down to their dorms and avoid busy streets. Hyunjin's thoughts run a million miles per minute and he has to tell Felix about what's happening in his love life. Otherwise their lips may just continue bumping into each other.

- This person I'm seeing... It's a guy.

- Lucky bastard.

- Yeah... I'm really in love. It's been a few months now and it's just getting better.

- Well, I'm glad for you. I am. I mean, I'm also a bit jealous, but you deserve someone great to love and to love you back... So, is he awesome?

- He is! He takes care of me, makes me laugh... and the sex is.......

- Too much information!

- Fine, fine.

- Do I know him?

- Well, haaa, funny story... you really do. But, I mean, I want to tell you, but... if I tell you, I'd have to kill you, and you're so cute...

- Is it Chan?

- What?? No, no. What? Why Chan?

- I don't know, I just guessed.

- It's not Chan.

- Is it Jisung?

- What?? You babo. I'm not going to tell you.

- Minho?

- I can't say. Stop asking.

- It's Minho, isn't it?

- No.
- It's Minho. - Hyunjin breaks.

- Woooooooow... who knew... Minho is your man.

- Felix...

- I'm sorry, just give me this one second to tease you a little bit, and then I'll forget you ever told me, I promise.

- Go ahead.

- Minho showed you some dirty dance moves, ha? - Felix gives a sassy smile and lifts eyebrow.

- Yeah yeah... - Hyunjin rolls eyes. - You won't tell anyone?

- I won't.

- You'll still come to me if you need to talk, or just to be my friend?

- I will.

- Want a drink?

- We need a drink.

And so they walk to a nearby place where they can get a drink.

There is a big group of people sitting together, probably an office party. They all wear suits and ties.. not a kind of people who would recognize idols.

Two of them chose a table at the end of the room and take a seat.

As usual, Felix makes a disgusted face with a first sip. There is always something you can count on.. the sun will rise tomorrow... the winter will be cold, and, well, Felix will make a funny face when drinking alcohol.
Hyunjin just waits for it, it's his favorite drinking game.

- What? It's bitter. - Felix defends.

- You'll sweeten it up, sugar.

What they didn't plan was to actually get like drunk-drunk. A little tipsy would be just perfect, but this time they overdid it.
At some point, Felix gets waaay too honest:

- I was wondering what it would be like to fuck gorgeous Hyunjin, you know? I bet it's awesome.

- Youawesome.

- I can imagine... you know what? I bet Minho can pick us up.

- Youpickusup.

- No you pick us up.

- Minhopickusup.

- You pick Minho up.

Luckily, phone recognizes even a drunk face, so Hyunjin unlocks his phone effortlessly, and Minho is the last number he called.

Minho answers the phone immediately:
- Hi love.

- Minho...

- Yes?

- Minho...

- Yes....?

- YoupickFelix Up

- Love, have you been drinking?

- No. Felixisdrinking.

- Oh no, you and Felix are not meant for drinking, you get drunk from a cherry liquor. Where are you?

- In a house

- Where?

- Ina prettyhouse

- Never mind, Chan has your locations in his phone, I'll be there soon.

- Byeee - says Hyunjin and kisses the phone. - Mwaaa - he keeps giving smooches to a closed phone.

Felix looks at the phone and says:
- You should date Chan he has locations

- You have locations

After 15 minutes or so:
- There you are! - Minho finds the two mischievous idols holding on to a table as if the table is about to run away.

- Minhoooo!!! - Felix is happy.

- Kissme! - Hyunjin demands.

- Wow, this is going to be fun. - Minho says to himself.

First, he tries to lead Hyunjin to the car, but he's all wobbly, doesn't listen, and wants to cover him in kisses.

Luckily, both Hyunjin and Felix are a light weight category, so he just ends up carrying them out, one at the time over his shoulder.

In a car, Felix doesn't stop talking:

- You lucky Minho you got him lucky Minho. But! .. Ikisshim. And youkisshim. And that's like wessim... kissim no, wait, I drunk. You kissme. I bet you bet didn't know but I am.. wait what? Did I kiss you... idontknow...

Minho is quite entertained. It sounds like they kissed, but looking at their condition, it's good they didn't go ride bikes or something.

Once he parks in the garage, he turns around and - they're both asleep. Great. He carries one at the time and drops them off on a living room sofa.
Morning light will soon wake them up. That will teach them a lesson.


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