Part 41

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Third Person POV

When Allison stepped out of the fire place she took a look at her surroundings, the room she was in was large sort of like a banquet hall.

The walls were covered in a beige white colour with little black details, the glass windows went from the floor all the way to the ceiling, the furniture was black leather with white outlining, the floor was oak wood with a carpet around by the seats.

"Allison!" Evelyn shouted from across the room, "hi Evelyn" she says shyly back to her sister. She heard a cough and turned her head to see Benjamin standing there "Hi Benji" the girl exclaimed.

A look of confusion hits the boys face "Benji?" The girls giggles "yep it's shorter for Benjamin" a small smile forms on the boys face "well then we have to find you an original nickname then don't we" "we sure do" the girl says back to him.

The girl walks over to them and gives them a tight hug, the last time she saw them was at the ball held at Malfoy Mannor. "Where's Abigail?" She asks looking at her brother. "Oh she's at work, she's a healer for the ministry" the boy says proudly. "And what do you do exactly?" The girl says to her brother.

"I'm a teacher, well trying to get a job as a teacher in hogwarts for magical care of animals" he says to the 16 year old. "And you?" She says turning to her sister "oh I'm training to become an auror" she says happily.

"Oh" the girl says before continuing "So why are we at the Rosier Estate?" "We are resonated to the Rosier's" Evelyn says to Allison. "What?" She says confused.

"Take a seat so I can tell you cause it's sort of confusing" Evelyn says walking over to the couches with Allison behind her and Benjamin following them.

"So father has always been an evergreen but Mothers maiden name was Rosier. As we know Druella Rosier is Bellatrix, Narcissa and Andromeda's mother. Lilian Rosier married Victor Evergreen and then had us. Mother is Druella's niece making her first cousin to Bellatrix, Narcissa and Andromeda. But Druella died last September 2 years after her husband died. Mothers mum died that's why we are here, so mother should inherit this property but Grandmother didn't want that so she signed the house into Mine and Benjamin's name instead."

A look of confusion creeps onto Allison's face "wait what, so I'm like cousins to Draco and related to Bellatrix to his my boyfriends step mother" Evelyn then realises "yeah I guess you are but your like 3rd cousins to Draco if not more. And your in no way related to Mattheo"

"Oh ok good I was going to say" the look of panic goes away from Allison's face and is replaced with a smile. "So I do have 1 question?" Evelyn and Benjamin both look at each other before looking back at Allison "go ahead" "do you have the dark mark?".

"No we don't and to be honest I don't want it, me and Benjamin are trying to join a different club" Evelyn replies "what club?" The young girl ask her sister "if we get in then we can tell you but before we can't say anything. But do you have the mark?"

Allison looks down "yeah" she mumbles. "Did you not want it?" Benjamin asks her "I still don't want it, I have a charm on it all the time to hide it just because I don't like how it looks. I don't want to be apart of a club that kills and tortures innocent people" she says looking at her brother.

"Hey it's ok" he says looking at the girl. "How about we show you around the house?" Evelyn says breaking the silence. "Oh sure" Allison says responding to her sister.

Allison's POV

We all get up - me, Evelyn and Benji that is - and head into a massive hallway, the walls are painted white with black border panel going a quarter up the wall.

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