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Lee Felix And Han Jisung the common names of the Rival Enemies inside heard around the premises of their college

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Lee Felix And Han Jisung the common names of the Rival Enemies inside heard around the premises of their college.

They hated each other more than ever, their differences and clashes fueling a fire that seemed impossible to extinguish. Every encounter was like a collision of opposing forces, leaving a trail of tension and frustration in their wake. Yet, beneath the surface of their animosity, something began to stir, a curiosity that defied their expectations.

Felix's sweetness was often overshadowed by his moments of sourness, a defense mechanism he had perfected to shield his vulnerability.
On the other hand, Jisung's energy was infectious, but his short temper was a wildfire that could ignite at the slightest provocation.

Their personalities clashed like thunderstorms and rainbows, creating a dynamic that both intrigued and bewildered those around them

Every single day, they were face to face, a relentless cycle of clashes that seemed to have no end. Their interactions were a whirlwind of teasing remarks, rude comments, and a constant battle of egos and attitudes.

Their friends watched in amazement and concern as their stormy exchanges played out, wondering if there would be anything better than the arc enemy label beneath the surface of their upside down relationship.

Amidst the chaos of their interactions, there were moments when their guard slipped, revealing glimpses of vulnerability that neither was ready to acknowledge. A fleeting glance exchanged during an argument, a shared smile that lingered a second too long these subtle moments hinted at a connection that was deeper than their outward rivalry.

There were longing gazes exchanged, with unspoken emotions that neither of them could fully comprehend. In the midst of their constant clashes, they found themselves inexplicably drawn to each other's presence, a magnetic pull that defied reason. Those stolen glances became a secret language, a silent conversation that spoke of a desire they were reluctant to acknowledge.

It all felt like a hard-hitting truth, a realization that came crashing down on them one day when they least expected it. A seemingly innocuous disagreement escalated into a heated argument, voices rising as they hurled insults at each other.

Felix exclaimed

"Jisung your ex is going around dating someone because obviously you're not at all worth it"

Letting out a scoff chuckling mocking outright replying.

"Says the one who's single every time..Felix you are the absolute one who's not at all capable of even feeling love!!"

But then, in the midst of the chaos, Felix's angry retort faltered, his eyes locking onto Jisung's with a mixture of frustration and... something else.

Something else, a torrent of feelings that had been hidden deep inside them for a while now, surged to the surface. As their words hung in the air, a heavy silence settled between them.

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