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Within the lively crowd of 21-year-olds and fellow students, the house was abuzz with energy

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Within the lively crowd of 21-year-olds and fellow students, the house was abuzz with energy. The air was filled with the mingling scents of beer, soda, and a spread of snacks that covered every available surface.

Laughter and chatter echoed in every corner, creating a backdrop of celebration. Jisung and Jeongin navigated their way through the sea of people, Jisung's gaze darting around as he searched for any sign of Felix amidst the animated chaos.

Jisung's determination to talk to Felix today burned within him as he and Jeongin navigated through the crowd.

Spotting Chan, they exchanged greetings and caught up briefly. Jisung's connection with Chan as music club mates already had forged a strong bond between them.

Chan, on his way, suggested that they grab some drinks from the tables or the kitchen and then join him and their other classmates in the living room for games. With a dimple smile slightly nodding, Chan disappeared into the dance crowd, leaving Jisung to contemplate the next step.

Meanwhile seeing Jeongin still staring at the backside of Chan.

"Ohho.... What is my baby staring at huh" Jisung tried to tease him.

Jeongin who was visibly flattered by his stare "What. Can't I look anywhere"

"Definitely you can. But that looked like more of it" Jisung giggled seeing Jeongin trying to hide a smile.

"Now, come let's grab some drinks"

"Oh yeah sure" Making Jeongin to push Jisung in a playful way.

Jeongin and Jisung made their way to the refreshments, each selecting their preferred drinks.

Jeongin opted for a beer, while Jisung chose a cola, his decision a conscious one to avoid getting drunk before the conversation he hoped to have with Felix.

As they stood there, the din of conversations and laughter surrounding them, Jisung felt a mixture of anticipation and nervousness settle in his stomach. He took a deep breath, reminding himself that he was here to resolve things, even if it meant facing his own vulnerabilities.

That's when he saw the blackhaired one day younger around the crowd with his friends near the dance floor.

His heart skipped a beat as he spotted Felix in the crowd, his familiar black hair standing out amidst the sea of faces.

Felix was engaged in conversation with Hyunjin and a few others, his smile and animated gestures a stark contrast to the tangled mess of emotions Jisung felt.

As he watched from a distance, a mix of longing and apprehension swirled within him, the weight of their shared history hanging in the air.

Jisung's gaze remained fixed on Felix, his heart racing with a surge of nerves. The sight of Felix's own nervousness, the subtle hints of uncertainty in his expressions, mirrored Jisung's own feelings.

Hearts in Conflict | Jilix FFWhere stories live. Discover now