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While Jisung lost himself in sleep, Felix found himself wide awake, his thoughts consumed by the events of the day

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While Jisung lost himself in sleep, Felix found himself wide awake, his thoughts consumed by the events of the day. He sat on his bed, his phone pressed to his ear as he complained to his friend Hyunjin.

"I don't know what's going on, Hyunjin," he admitted, frustration evident in his voice.

"One moment, we're arguing like we always do, and the next... I don't even know what I'm feeling anymore." Hyunjin listened, offering a sympathetic ear as Felix poured out his confusion and doubts, the weight of his emotions a heavy burden on his heart.

Hyunjin's words conveyed his genuine concern, his soothing voice offering a lifeline to Felix's spiraling thoughts.

"Hey, Felix, calm down," he said gently. "You seem really stressed over this. We talked about it while walking back home, and you're still thinking about it and getting more confused. You need to calm down first."

Felix let out a frustrated sigh, his fingers running through his hair in exasperation. "I'm just thinking" he admitted, his voice a mixture of frustration and vulnerability.

Hyunjin's response was patient and understanding. "I know it will be okay," he reassured. "You should talk to each other first of all."

Felix's abrupt declaration startled Hyunjin. "NO! I don't want to talk to him" Felix blurted out, his frustration clear in his tone.

Hyunjin let out a sigh. "Hmm hmm... Eat something and relax for the time being, okay, Lix? Don't think about it too much. Calm yourself down and then think about it calmly. Figure out what's going on, alright?"

His advice held a note of finality, a plea for Felix to find some peace in the midst of his inner stricken emotions.

Hyunjin's words seemed to penetrate Felix's resistant stance, and he finally relented with a resigned


The weight of his emotions and the turmoil of the day settled on his shoulders as he listened to his friend's advice. As they continued to talk, Felix felt a small sense of relief in knowing that he wasn't alone in his struggle.

Hyunjin's presence, even if it was just through the phone, provided a semblance of comfort, a reminder that he had people who cared about him.

"Good night, Lix" Hyunjin's voice held a touch of warmth. "Sleep after having something, alright? I'll talk to you tomorrow."

Felix managed a small smile, gratitude for his friend's support evident in his heart. "Thanks, Hyun" he replied, his voice softer now.

As they said their goodbyes, Felix set his phone aside, his thoughts a little less turbulent now. With a sigh, he stood up and made his way to the kitchen, realizing that he needed to take care of himself before he could begin to make sense of the mess of emotions that had taken hold of him.

"Jisung.... You are really something"
Felix let out a sighed. Turning towards the kitchen stoves to start making something for himself and also taking away his thoughts to relax sometimes.

The next day dawned with a sense of anticipation, the morning light casting a hopeful glow over both Felix and Jisung's worlds. As the hours ticked by, each of them found themselves grappling with the decision they had to make, a choice that held the potential to reshape the course of their relationship.

Jisung sat down to eat the breakfast his mom had prepared, the taste of familiar comfort offering a small respite from his swirling thoughts. Her questioning look didn't go unnoticed as she asked.

"Why didn't you come for dinner last night?"

Jisung managed a half-hearted smile, a mixture of guilt and reluctance in his expression.

"I had some things to think about and do Mom" he replied evasively, not quite ready to share the complexities of his emotions with his mother.

The worry in her eyes remained, but she seemed to understand that he needed his space."Okay, take care honey" his mother's smile held a mixture of understanding and concern as she bid him goodbye, Jisung saying it back,before heading off to her workplace.

Left to his own devices, Jisung found himself torn between the mundane tasks of the day and the weight of the decision he had to make. The clock ticked on, Jisung's phone buzzed with a message from

Jeongin, a reminder of the party and askinh to join him if he was considering going.

Jeongin's words carried a hint of camaraderie and the unspoken hope that they could face the situation together. Jisung's fingers hovered over the keyboard, his decision hanging in the balance.

The thought of seeing Felix at the party ignited a mixture of nerves and longing within him, and he found himself typing a reply that held a trace of hesitance but also a newfound determination.

"Okay, I'll come to your house since it's on the way to Chan's house,"

Jisung's message carried a mix of agreement and relief.

The prospect of spending time with his friend before the party offered a small comfort, a buffer against the uncertainty of the evening ahead.

As he pressed send, he felt a surge of nerves and anticipation, knowing that the decisions he would make that day could shape the course of his relationship with Felix.

For 20 years of his life, Jisung had not felt like a rollercoaster of emotions hitting on him, also his feelings for Felix a constant presence in the back of his mind.

The memories of their arguments, the stolen glances, and the moments of connection that transcended their clashes all melded together into a complex tapestry that had defined their relationship. As he stood on his decision that could change everything, he couldn't help but reflect on how far they had come and how far they still had to go.

The hours passed slowly, the weight of the day's decisions settling heavily on both Felix and Jisung. The evening arrived, and with it came a mixture of nervousness and anticipation.

Jisung stood in front of Jeongin's house, his heart pounding as he waited for his friend. The prospect of seeing Felix at the party loomed large in his mind, a mix of excitement and apprehension swirling within him.

As Jeongin emerged from the house, a reassuring smile on his face, Jisung felt a surge of gratitude for the presence of a friend who had stood by him through thick and thin.

Jisung and Jeongin walked side by side, the familiar path to Chan's house unfolding before them. The air was filled with a blend of excitement and nervous energy, the promise of the evening's events hanging in the air.

As they reached the entrance, Jisung couldn't help but feel a mixture of anticipation and anxiety. He glanced around, his heart racing as he wondered if he would catch a glimpse of Felix among the crowd.


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