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(The Next day at noon)

Alex had just arrived in front of the noodle house for his training with Skylor. Honestly he was still kinda surprised she was willing to teach him in the first place ,but you wouldn't hear him complaining about this. What you would hear him complain about was how exhausted he was from the parade last night. Skylor and he hadn't gone back to their individual apartments until the early hours of the morning and he got little to no rest after that.

"Well it looks like you showed up on time." Skylor said. She was in more athletic gear with shorts, a plain t-shirt, and tennis shoes.

"Did you think that I would chicken out?"

"No. It was just a statement of fact more than anything else. Anyway, follow me." She said, She led them into the noodle house ,but they were barely in it before she led them out a back entrance to a big opening out back, the same one the ninja found out about the tournament of elements in. It seemed to be a place where she kept the junk from the restaurant,but it seemed she refurbished it into a kind of training area with mats laying on the ground. Probably for in case Alex falls during training though it was more likely gonna be when he falls ,not in case he falls.

"To start off, show me how you throw a punch." Skylor asked. She put on some boxing pads for Alex to punch.

Alex then balled his fist up though making sure to keep his thumb on the outside of his fist not the inside and then he threw the punch.

"Good at least you know how to throw a punch if nothing else." Skylor praised. "If you had kept your thumb inside your fist you could potentially break your thumb when punching. Alright, next you are going to....."

The Fighting lesson proceeded on with Alex learning some valuable fighting skills; he also did fall sometimes ,but the mats cushioned the fall. He realized how outclassed he is in a fight compared to Skylor. She knew a ridiculous amount of fighting styles and it simply amazed Alex how many she knew. It was when the lesson had ended that Alex asked something that popped into his head. It was an inappropriate question one he wouldn't ask if it wasn't for how exhausted he was and the lack of filter he currently had.

"How are you Chen's daughter?" Alex asked. He immediately regretted his question after he said it ,but he couldn't take back his words now. He would just have to deal with the aftermath of his question.

Skylor, who had been putting some of the things they used away, stopped for a second.

"What do you mean, how?" She asked

"I mean how could someone as nice as you be his daughter." Alex answered. " He destroyed multiple villages and tried to take over Ninjago. Not only that I read up on the serpentine wars. Chen was banished to a remote island with nobody on it. There should have been no way for him to have had a child on it."

She sighed in a kind of defeated way. She took a deep breath and steeled her face. Alex had a feeling this conversation was gonna take a while.

"One second." she said. She walked into the restaurant and brought two chairs. For her and Alex to sit in.

"This will be a while so you might want to take a seat." Skylor said. "On paper it makes sense that you would doubt that I was his daughter. Remote island and no way for him to have a child during the war ,but that would be where you are wrong. All though the elemental masters didn't know it at the time the island wasn't as empty as people had thought it was. There lived a tribe there that had been there for a long time centuries in fact. When they found my father and his right hand ,Clouse, they welcomed them to the island and helped to get them situated on it."

"They didn't attack or hold them hostage at all since they were unknown people?" Alex asked

"That's probably the exact reason they did help them. My mother's tribe didn't fear the unknown; they found excitement and joy in fact from it. My father had also helped to civilize and make new inventions for the tribe. Clouse also helped the tribe with his magic so they openly accepted them into it. Eventually my father worked to the position of leader of the tribe. That was when he started making his base and his plans to reconquer Ninjago. He started industrializing the island and establishing his noodle company."

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