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Hi, I am not dead and this story isn't abandoned. I kind of had major writer's block there for a second since I had no idea how I wanted the conversation with Garmadon to go. I will be honest I am not very proud of this chapter and I probably portrayed Garmadon in an OOC way. So I apologize if this chapter isn't very good. Regardless I do hope you enjoy the chapter.

"Yeah well the element of death chose me to be the next elemental master of it." Alex replied. " Are you surprised because you never thought the element of death would pick someone?"

"Yes, that is exactly why I am surprised." replied Garmadon. "The element of death would only pick someone who has a close relationship with it or to be more specific. It would only pick someone who has already died. So would you mind telling me what realm you were originally from before you passed on?"

"Oh shit." Thought Alex. "He already knows that I have died and now he is asking what realm I was from, but maybe I should tell him where I was from. It would be nice to get a second opinion on my plans and I can foster a trusting relationship with him. Besides, it's not like he can tell someone he's dead."

"Well I don't know the exact name of the realm I am from." Alex replied." I can tell you that the realm I was in before was able to see into other realms and knew some of the futures of the realms."

Before Alex could Garmadon cut him off.

"That sounds like cloud kingdom if I'm not mistaken." Garmadon answered.

"Sorry to tell you ,but it wasn't. Now in my realm we heard stories of Ninjago and its future. More specifically the futures of the Ninja and its enemies."

"So are you telling me that your realm was aware of every enemy the Ninja have faced." Garmadon asked in disbelief.He looked confused. Like he didn't really believe that Alex was telling the truth.

Alex sighed. He knew that what he was saying was hard to believe ,but he was hoping that Garmadon would at least try to listen to him.

"You don't believe me do you?" Alex asked

"Now I never said that ,but I do admit that it is rather hard to believe." answered Garmadon. " I would need some sort of proof that you are telling the truth."

"Well your childhood with Wu was explained a bit," said Alex. "Why don't you ask a question about something you guys did that people shouldn't really know."

Garmadon then looked in thought for a second before he started asking his question.

"Who did my brother foolishly teach spinjitzu to because this person helped us out once?"


Garmadon again looked shocked. He didn't actually think Alex was telling the truth.

"Okay so there was no way you should have known that. So I'll believe you." Garmadon said.

Alex was relieved that he was finally able to convince Garmadon that he was telling the truth. He was slightly worried that Garmadon would have asked Alex something he wouldn't have known ,but luckily that didn't happen.

"Thanks for believing me." Alex said. "Now I am gonna need advice on how to handle one of the Ninja's future enemies. His name is Morro and he was the previous elemental master of wind."

"Wasn't that Wu's old student?" Garmadon asked.

"Yeah, did you meet him at some point?"

"No, but my brother sent me letters about him finding a student and his eventual running away to find my father's tomb." Garmadon answered

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