Chapter 14: Sure As Hell Meant All Of It

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I searched the mass amount of people looking for my best friend. Damn it Hailey, why are you so short?

I sighed exasperatedly and lowered myself from my tippie toes and continued walking through the crowd. I pulled out my phone and opened the messages between her and I and started typing.

Where the fuck is chu? I sent it and walked through more people who were either trying to make their way to baggage claim or too their flight in time before they missed it.
Stalking you the text said when I looked down to my phone. I looked and saw her Hailey looking at me from a table at Starbucks the was right ahead of me. I was able to see clearer now that less people crowded around me. I smiled and started walking towards my best friend. I entered the little Starbucks and sat across from her and looked at her waiting for her to notice.

I saw another cup on the table and picked it up and started drinking it.
"Excuse me bitch but- OH HI MICK!" She yelled and hugged me across the table. It was good to be back with my best friend. I really missed her.

"Hi Haileyboo." I said and continued drinking her drink, which was actually really freaking good.

"How was the flight?" She asked as she locked her phone and tucked it under her arm and leaned on her elbows.

"Some asshole kept kicking my seat the whole ride. I swear I was ready to punch a bitch." I said holding up my fist and shaking it.

"You couldn't hurt a fly Mick." She said rolling her eyes and crossing her arms.

"Its not my fault those things are ninjas." I said sadly and poked out my bottom lip. She laughed at me and got up walking out of Starbucks and discarding her drink and grabbing my luggage.

"You have to tell me everything." She said jumping around as we walked out of the airport.

"There's not much to tell, I got the job, I moved in-"

"Any hot guys?"

Vic. "No." I answered and tripped and started breathing heavily. Stupid pebbles.

"Are you sure?" She said turning around and looking at me. It was then I realized that we stopped in front of her car. I slapped my forehead and sighed.

"Yessssss." I droned out and looked up to see her putting my luggage in the backseat and moving her way around to the drivers side and getting in.

I followed getting into the passenger side of the car and putting on my seat belt, really totally not ready for her driving.

"I don't believe you. It's San fucking Diego there has to be some hottie that has caught your eye." She said lifting her hands off the steering wheel before a curve in the road.

I squeaked and reached over grabbing the steering wheel and maneuvering the turn. She put her hands back down on the steering wheel like nothing happened and continued driving.

"I just got out a relationship Hailey I'd rather not." I said quietly.

"That was over two weeks ago Mickeybutter." She said turning her head towards me.

"Last I heard he moved in with Stephanie." She mumbled. I sighed and nodded sadly because I had to move on from Dylan.

I was 99.99998% there. I just needed the other miniature of my heart to let gooooo. I have to move on.

"Well there is one guy." I admitted shyly and looked down at my hands while Hailey cheered.

"NOW we're talking! Go on." She said gesturing widely for me to keep talking.

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