Chapter 36: Shameless

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"Are you excited for your babies Ms. Wesley?" One of my students asked. She was one of the last here, packing up her instrument before she was off to her next class.

"Very excited actually, I have yet to pick out names though." I said laughing and packing my stuff away as well. She laughed and closed her case, placing it under her chair.

"Anyways, I have to go to science, I'll see you later Ms. Wesley!" She said waving and walking out the door.

My stomach was huge now. Huge. Normally pregnant women couldn't see their feet when they're pregnant, but I couldn't see anything below the huge bump on my stomach.

My back hurt from it and my feet were swollen and disgusting. The consequences of having twins was also that you felt small contractions throughout the last month of the pregnancy.

The doctor said it was uncommon to feel it this early, but I was one of the rarities I guess. I had no more classes for the day so I took it as my opportunity to leave and get some well needed sleep.

I grabbed my stuff and walked out of my office, but not before locking everything and leaving through the exit to the back parking lot. I found my car easily and opened the door throwing my stuff in before turning around and slowly sitting down in the seat.

I turned slowly and shut my door and started my car. I was so done with this pregnancy at this point, I just wanted the babies here already.
The drive home was quiet and uneventful, as I stepped out and grabbed my stuff I was hit with a severe pain in my lower back that spread towards my front.

"Ah shit." I whispered to myself and dropped my stuff on the ground cradling my stomach before all of the sudden it disappeared. I picked up my stuff and cautiously walked to the door of the building.

As I walked down the hall I was weary of another pain coming. It was possibly the worst pain I've ever felt in my entire life and I wasn't prepared for it to happen again. I didn't want it too.

"Vic!" I yelled as I walked through the door and dropped my stuff. I kicked off my shoes and made my way towards the bedroom to lay down. Once I entered the room I found him laying across the mattress snoring loudly.

I smiled a little and laid down next to him and cuddled while he wrapped his arms around my waist and brought me closer.

"One week." He whispered and fell back asleep. He's been really tired lately for some reason. He doesn't get a lot of sleep. He always locks himself in the other small bedroom trying to write something, since he promised his small hiatus was strictly for writing new music.

Soon after I tried falling asleep, I gave up and unwrapped myself from Vic and walked out of the bedroom and into the kitchen to get something to eat. Well...a lot of things to eat.

As I pulled out various foods from the fridge the pain returned and I hugged the food closer to me and bent over squeezing my eyes shut waiting for it to subside. It didn't go away as quickly though.

"What are you doing?" Vic asked tiredly walking out of the room rubbing his eyes.

"Nothing just stretching." I lied and stood back up straight trying to ignore the pain as I laid out all of the food across the counter.

"O..k?" He said before walking towards the various foods and picking up a string cheese stick and started peeling it away.

"How was your nap?" I asked picking up the same thing and started eating it.

"It was good thank you." He said smiling before the pain made its appearance making my smile turn into a frown.

"Seriously McKenna are you ok?" Vic asked making his way towards me and holding onto my shoulders.

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