Chapter 23: This Home

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"M-Mick, are you sure about this?" Jenna asked shyly wringing her hands together nervously. I laughed a little and patted her hair that I put in a French braid.

"I wouldn't have said yes if I wasn't sure silly. By the way, you look beautiful." I said blowing her a kiss. She nodded and looked down at her cast that was noticeable, since she was wearing a dress.

"The question is, are you sure you wanna do this?" I asked pointing at her. She nodded and looked up at me with tears in her eyes.

"Yeah, it would be mice to have a mom and dad again. Y'know?" She said shrugging and picking at her nails that I painted for her. I didn't mind though, I just looked up to her face and smiled.

"Of course honey." I looked at the time and handed her the crutches. "We should probably get going now, Tony's flight arrives at 8:45."

"Are we picking him up?" I shook my head and grabbed my car keys.

"No he's meeting us there." I answered.

Truth be told I was a nervous wreck. I've never been to family services court. I didn't know how any of this would work.

Jenna threw her crutches in the back seat and got into the front, lifting her leg and pulling it into the car before closing the door.

"Ready munchkin?" I asked She nodded slowly and looked up smiling at me.

The car ride was silent. I looked over to see Jenna laying her head against the window, looking at all the trees and buildings we passed by on our way to the courthouse.

"What if they say no?" She asked hesitantly, not fixing her gaze from outside.

"They have no choice we'll take you anyway." I said jokingly. She smiled a little and let a small laugh escape her lips.

"Do you think my dad would've been proud of me right now?" She asked. I stopped at the red light before the last turn to get to the courthouse and looked at her.

"Of course he would be. You're a very nice, polite, extremely beautiful young girl." I said and snapped out of it when a car beeped behind me. I scowled and held my horn beeping right back at him as I turned into the parking lot of the courthouse.

I turned off the car and got out grabbing her crutches and opening her door for her, helping her out. She smiled in thanks and gained her balance before she started walking towards the entrance of the building.

It was cold in here. As I walked in, I wiped my hands on my dress and looked around nervously. How do I do this?

"Walk up to the desk and state your name." Jenna whispered. Did I say that out loud?

"Alright, go sit down and rest your leg I'll be right back." I said walking away from Jenna and up to the desk.

"How may I help you today?" The lady asked sweetly looking up at me. I smiled nervously.

"I'm McKenna Wesley, here for Jenna Yardley." I mumbled blushing because I probably said that wrong and sounded like a complete idiot.

"Oh yes! Your time is at 10:15." She said looking at her computer "and in case you forget they'll announce your names over the speaker." She said pointing upwards. I nodded warily and looked towards the front entrance to see if Tony would be here anytime soon. I sighed when I didn't see anybody and looked forward looking down at my phone.

Fifteen minutes later fast and heavy footsteps ran in and I looked behind to see Tony bent over breathing heavily. He was dressed in a suit and tie and didn't have a snap back on. I didn't like it. I was used to seeing him in Key Street tank tops and tee shirts. Not this.

"McKenna Wesley, Jenna Yardley, Tony Perry please make your way to courtroom 12." Jenna got up standing on one foot as she hopped over excitedly to Tony and hugged him tightly. I carried her crutches over to her and handed them to her as we started walking.

When we reached the courtroom Tony opened the door and let us go in first.

"Good morning." The judge said as we stood at the wooden table. There was an assigned lawyer next to us and all of the sudden I felt like I had broken the law and I didn't like it one bit.

"It comes to my attention that you would like to take custody of Jenna Janice Yardley away from her legal guardians Adam Yardley and Lydia Yardley."

"That is correct your honor." Tony said into the microphone. The judge nodded and shuffled through papers.

"There is no incidents of danger going on throughout the house, what are your reasons exactly Mr. Perry?" The judge asked, pushing his glasses up more on the bridge of his nose.

"She's being abused, she hates it there." Tony answered.

"Objection! That's speculation your honor!" When did that attorney get here? Oh my god. Prepare the panic.

"Sustained, there's no report of abuse going on in the home." The judge said looking at the papers. Tony looked at Jenna, who just slouched further into the chair, anxiously squeezing her crutches.

"Did you ever think that she was embarrassed to tell anyone?" Our lawyer butt in.

"I've made my decision!" The judge announced. What? So fast? He didn't even let us present an argument.

"There's no report of child abuse going throughout the home. I cannot let Tony Perry and McKenna Wesley take custody of Jenna Yardley. She will be returned to her aunt and uncle." Jenna started crying as her aunt stood up excitedly jumping around and I looked at her uncle to see him smirking.

"OHHHHHH JENNA WENNA YOU CAN COME HOME!" Her aunt screeched excitedly and ran over to Jenna.

"Don't touch me!" She yelled as her aunt leaned in for a hug.

"I wanna leave with Tony!" She demanded.

"Jenna, I'm so sorry." Tony said hugging her.

"Don't let them take me Tony please!" She cried as her uncle strode over and grabbed her arm.

"Let's go Jenna." He said briefly and started pulling her away.

"Let. Go. OF ME!" she demanded trying to pull free.

"You're being absolutely ridiculous, c'mon I made some cookies for you." Her aunt said.

"GET THIS RAPIST OFF OF ME!" She yelled suddenly making all of the commotion stop abruptly as we all sat there speechless.

Her uncle froze and kept his grip on her arm.

"Don't be ridiculous." He snapped through clenched teeth.

"YOU RAPED ME!" She yelled. I was appalled with her outburst and didn't know what to do. I just sat there and watched.

"I did not rape you, YOU WERE ASKING FOR IT!" He yelled in her face, probably forgetting that there were other people around us.

"Mr. Yardley, please step away from the girl." The judge said squinting his eyes. The security that stood next to the judge immediately restrained her uncle and walked away with him.

The judge grunted and rubbed his forehead, looking irritable.

"Due to the sudden events, I hereby grant Tony Perry and McKenna Wesley joined custody of Jenna Yardley. Discuss last names amongst yourselves. Case closed." He grunted and whacked his gavel standing up and walking away.

"Its over." She whispered as she started crying. Tony and I pulled her into a hug and had a group hug, its over.

"Thank you so much." She cried. Tony smiled and hugged her tighter to him.

"No. Thank you."

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