Chapter 35: Everything is A-Okay

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Today marks month five of the pregnancy and everything has kicked in full swing. The moods, the growing (which made me look like I was at least seven months) the cravings. Everything.

I had a doctor's appointment today, which I was completely unmotivated for. I didn't want to go, even though I really wanted to know the gender of my babies I was really drained today.

I laid in Vic and I's bed staring at the ceiling. The door opened and soon Vic was standing there with a tray of food in his hands.

"Morning sunshiinneeee!" He said walking towards my side of the bed and smiling at me. I sat up and smiled at the tray.

"Wow breakfast in bed! What's the occasion?" I asked, my voice still raspy from waking up moments ago.
He went all out. There were scrambled eggs on the plate with bacon on the side and a donut on a different plate. There were even nicely cut up strawberries with peanut on the side as he remembered my current craving.

"You forgot?" He asked laughing and shaking his head in disbelief. "Its your birthday silly!" He exclaimed throwing his hands up in the air.

"Are you ok?" I asked narrowing my eyes at him and looking down at my plate and picking up a piece of crispy bacon and taking a bite of it. The pregnant mind set kicked in as I ended up spreading peanut butter on my bacon and eating it.

"Of course I am! Why wouldn't I be?" He asked smiling. I tilted my head to the side and nodded slowly.

"You're strangely cheerful today." I whispered as I finished off my bacon and eggs and picked up the donut handing it to Vic.

"I'm so full, here you have it." I said shoving the donut in his hands and sitting up slowly with my pregnant belly and making my way to the bathroom.

"You getting ready?" He asked as I was about to shut the door. I nodded and looked out the door

"Are you sure that you're like...ok?" I asked one last time for precaution. He nodded and smiled at me and lifted up the tray.

"Of course." He said smiling at me and walking out of the bedroom door and into the kitchen.

As I turned on the shower and stripped my clothes the doctors appointment was no longer flooded my mind. It was the fact that Vic was acting so weird.


"How are we all today?" The doctor asked as he entered the room with a smile. Dr. Bona suggested that we make an appointment with a doctor that actually specializes with the baby and lady stuff so we made an appointment with an OBGYN and that's where we were now.

"We're great, a little tired, but great." I answered and rubbed my stomach.

"Well I'm Dr. Light, I'll be your OBGYN for the remainder of your pregnancy, it's nice to meet you." He said taking a seat on the stool with wheels and scooted all over on the squeaky piece of junk.

My mood wasn't the best and the squeaking of the chair was so annoying that I wanted to push him off of it and throw it out the damn window.

He scooted to the sink and washed his hands, to the paper towel dispenser, back to the desk and finally stopped next to me and switched on the ultrasound.

"This might be a little cold." He warned as he squeezed the bottle of gel onto my swollen belly. He grabbed the wand and started moving it around immediately catching sight and two small babies. One was moving around and the other was trying to move was couldn't because the other one was moving too much.

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