Chapter 16: I Know It's Tough

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This chapter is only in Vic's p.o.v.


"Vic." Someone whispered tapping my shoulder lightly. I groaned and pulled the covers up further around around my neck and snuggling back into them.

"Vic please wake up." The voice whispered again. I sighed and turned around popping open one of my eyes and looking at the dark figure.

"Jenna?" I questioned and sat up slowly, leaning on my elbow.

"I-I'm sorry, I didn't mean to wake you. I just, um, I had a bad dream and I can't sleep." She explained. I nodded slowly and moved into my bunk more, giving her space to climb in, but she didn't.

"I-no offense, I can't get in the bunk with you Vic, I don't trust you enough." She whispered her voice wavering at the end of her sentence.

"Its fine Jenna, I understand." I whispered and climbed out of my bunk. I walked into the kitchen and started the Keurig coffee machine and taking out a K-cup.

When my coffee was done I added the ingredients I liked into it and sat at the booth across from Jenna and looked at the clock on the wall to see that it was 3:36 in the morning.

"Are you ok?" Was the first thing I asked her when I looked away from the clock.

"I'm fine." She answered.

"No you're not." I said defiantly. She sighed and looked at her nails, chipping off purple nail polish from them.

"I dunno." She started and slumped further into the seat of the booth we were seated in.

"I like to think I'll be ok, but I don't know anymore." She whispered while she intertwined her fingers together and pulled on them nervously.

"It's ok to talk to me Jenna." I said reaching over the table to touch her hand, but she pulled it away.

"I don't even know you, I know your band, your birthday, but I don't know you. I don't know your story and all of the sudden you want to learn mine." She said seeming to grow annoyed.

"You're right. How about we just take it slow," I said. I stuck out my hand for a handshake as she flinched away, but looked at my hand with a confused face. "Hi, I'm Vic." I introduced. She smiled a small smile, but still a smile and placed her hand in mine shaking it softly.

"I'm Jenna." She answered. Starting over was the next best thing and all I wanted to do for Jenna was help her. She deserved that much.

"So Jenna tell me about yourself." I said smiling at her while I took a sip of my cooled down coffee.

"My full name is Jenna Janice Yardley. The middle name Janice is for some reason my mom really loved Janice Joplin. I'm fourteen, my birthday is on March 1." She paused trying to think of what to say. These were all just random facts so far, which is basically what I would've said as well.

"Favorite color?" I asked sipping the last of my coffee.

"Purple duh." She yawned and covered her mouth as she hid her face and lifted her head showing her face again.

"Tired?" She nodded and walked over to my side of the booth and crawled in next to me and snuggled with me.

"I'm scared to sleep though." She confessed.

"Do you wanna talk about it?" I asked as she started to cuddle with my arm and doze off.

"It was about my uncle." My mood saddened and I laid my head down on top of hers. She didn't deserve any of what she got. She's gonna live the rest of her life traumatized by the events that took place. If anything that sick bastard  deserved the worst punishments in the world. To his own niece too.

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