C1 Part 4

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Tanner was running towards the shed when he arrived there and saw a scene. He saw the Jaw pirates on the outside of the shed with Eric in the back.
"Tanner is that you?"
One of the Jaw pirates recognized Tanner
"Thank goodness you came lad! Come on help us take out this puny kid so we can stash the supplies at base!"
"WHY DID YOU HAVE TO DO THIS?!?" Tanner shouted.
The whole area was silent until Tanner broke the silence.

"First it was tiny scraps...so we could have enough to get by...but this much?? Dozens of crates and barrels and kidnapping a poor girl just for a bargaining chip?? I know we have more members now but even I know this is too much! What happened to the good old days of taking what we needed???"

The jaw pirates had a surprised look on their face before one of them responded
"Now look Tanner we weren't gonna hurt the poor lass we were just gonna use her as insurance in case the Shark hall were to catch wind of what we were up too. It's the only way we can do th-"
"DONT LIE! What about all the other raids where you harmed and almost killed dozens of people! Why can't we just go to the Shark hall for help?? I'm sure they would be more then willing to share with us if we attempted to resolve this peacefully..."
"Tanner that's enough! Mindless thinking like that will only get you killed! These methods work so we will keep using them to our benefit. Now help us out or there will be consequences!"

Tanners knees gave out as he fell to the ground
"Your...your not listening...why?"
"I grow tired of your mumbling! Lads ignore him! Let's get rid of this pipsqueak and teach Tanner here a lesson later!"
"AYE!" The pirates screamed
They started to make their way over to Eric with weapons in hand.
Eric raised his hands at the pirates and yelled out.
"Hey Tanner! Don't worry about these crooks I can easily handle them for yo-"

Tanner looked at Eric in the eye.
"Let me handle this...I've made up my mind on what I'm going to do with my life."
"...Heh ah I see, well then I'll leave this in your capable hands"
Eric put his hands behind his head and smirked.
"Getting cocky eh? That will only lead to your death kid!"
The pirates charged at Eric and were about to strike him when Tanner slowly got up into a crouched position and put his hand on his swords hilt.

"Sword draw...flash strike!"
Tanner unsheathed his sword and swiftly leaped forward in front of Eric leaving a large slash behind him. The attack hit all the pirates making them bleed and knocking them down instantly.
Tanner then sheathed his sword and kneeled at Eric
"It would be my pleasure to join your crew...Captain." Eric smiling from that response held out his hand at Tanner.
"Well then welcome aboard Tanner!"
Tanner looked up and grabbed his hand.
"Thanks for having me! Sorry you had to see me like that."
"Nono it's all good! It's good to let out your emotions every now and then."

Footsteps could be heard approaching the scene until Tanner saw and recognized the group.
"It's members of the Shark hall! Hey over here!!"

"Ah I see so that's what happened, well rest assured the girl held hostage wasn't harmed at all. We had her be escorted back home."
"That's great news Orgumleidi!"
"Ah and Tanner it seems like you finally found your purpose in life eh lad?"
"Yea...I'm gonna join Eric's crew. Who knows maybe we might become the most infamous pirates in the war seas!"
"Haha! Well you two are always welcome in Redwake then...now Eric I know you've been quite busy but I think it's time for you to come to the Shark hall and meet the leader of Redwake."

"Yea guess I have been making you guys wait a bit. Alright ready Tanner?"
"Mhm! Let's go"
"Wonderful! I'll take you lads there now. Lets get going."

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