C2 Part 5 (END)

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Eric was moving two crates of cargo to his ship when someone grabbed one of the crates and smiled.
"Need a hand lad?"
"Yes that would be a big help! Thank you!"
"My pleasure! Names Ruby Roger! And you?"
"Eric Water!" They both walk onto Eric's ship and put down the crates when Ruby noticed a pile of them. "Making some galleons eh? Smart!"
"Thanks! Hope you don't plan on stealing any of it" Eric nudged Rubys shoulder.
"Haha! Would never dream of it lad! You see I'm a pirate captain just like you but I'm not about stealing or anything rude like that. I'm just in it for the adventure!" Eric's eyes lit up after he heard that.

"We are actually really similar then Ruby!! I also want a grand adventure...wait how did you know I was a pirate captain?" Eric tilted his head. "Ah I just had a funny feeling that's all! Ruby's old intuition as I calls it!"
"Hey captain!" Tanner was carrying a crate to the ship. "Who's this person Eric?"
"Ah your crew calls you on a first name basis too! Respectable!" Ruby laughs as Tanner hops onto the ship and places the crate down with the pile.

"Um haha I don't exactly follow..."
"Tanner meet my new friend Ruby! Extremely nice fellow and a fellow pirate just like us!"
"A pleasure to meet you lad!" Ruby holds out his hand as Tanner shakes it.
"Nice to meet you too! Well Eric we got all the cargo...ready to set sail?"
"Thanks for the help Tanner! Well Ruby it was fun meeting you but we are gonna depart now."
"Ah all good lad the seas are vast! We are sure to run into each other again!" Ruby held out his hand. "Too new friends between pirates!"
Eric smirked and firmly shook it.
"You said it!"

Eric and Tanner were on their ship setting off while waving goodbye.
"Good luck out there!" Eric yelled
"Stay safe!" Tanner spoke
They saw Ruby do a hearty laugh before waving back at them with a smile.
"Happy you made a friend Eric?"
"Haha! You bet! We can let him beat us! Let's get stronger and become the stronger pirate crew!"
"Sounds like a plan captain!"
"The two looked out into the distance excited

Meanwhile inside Ravenna Castello
"If that is all leave me be..."
"Very well sir, oh and about that bandit matter at Frostmill-"
"Yes yes keep ignoring their pathetic pleas until they offer some kind of incentive..."
"Actually sir that won't be a problem anymore...the bandits have been cleared out."
"What, by who?? I know for a fact that town isn't strong enough to handle that matter on their own."
"The bandits have been defeated by a pirate that goes by the name of Eric Water..."
"Eric Water...what's the size on his bounty?"
"He has none sir...seems to be a new pirate by the looks of it..."
"Hmm...this worm has piqued my interest...get in contact with the navy, tell them to raise his bounty to ten thousand and have someone keep an eye on this pirate."

"Right away sir...is that everything?"
"Yes now leave me be"
The messenger walks out of the room with the noble pondering in his seat.
Eric water...think you can mess with my affairs? Have fun with the navy now breathing down your neck...

You've reached the end of published parts.

⏰ Last updated: Jun 01 ⏰

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