C1 Part 5.5

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"Ugh I'm so bored...there hasn't been an island in forever..." Eric exclaimed.
"Don't worry captain we will find one sooner or later." Tanner was taking a bite out of his Apple.
"Hm? Stop the boat I see something!"
"Huh? Ok!" Tanner replied.
The ship came to a stop as Eric saw a large circle of bubbles on the sea.
"I see a diving point! I bet there's some good treasure down there...I'm going in!"
"Wait Eric!" Tanner tried to stop him but his captain was already diving into the water.

Eric was underwater as he could spot a spot on the sea floor where he saw a chest.
Lucky! Time for some treasure! Eric thought as he swam deeper. He was about to pick up the chest when suddenly he spotted a shark swimming right towards him.
Eric smirked as he waiting for him to get close then punched it right in the nose. The shark swam away.

Take that! One measly shark can't stop me!
Eric grabbed the chest and started swimming up when suddenly he saw a terrifying sight.
A school of sharks was heading right towards him, tigers, great whites and all sorts of sharks were approaching him fast.
WHY IS THERE SO MANY SHARKS ALL OF A SUDDEN!! Eric thought as he desperately kicked his legs and made it back to the ship before the sharks could reach him.

"Captain! Are you ok?" Tanner questioned
"Yea *pant* everything is ok...I got a chest! Let's open it!"
"Oh...sorry to break it to you captain but we can't."
"Huh? What do you mean??"
Tanner gets closer to the chest and examines it.
"This is a sealed chest...we need a shipwright from an island to open it for us."
As Tanner was examining the chest Eric picked it up and threw it back into the water.

"Huh?? Eric! Why would you throw it back in! We could have waited until we got to the next island!"
"You haven't seen what I have...the sharks can have it...they earned it..."
Eric stumbled over to the front of the ship and sat back down with Tanner having a confused look on his face but smiled.
"Whatever you say captain"

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