16) A happy ending

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        "I...I was just..."

"Just what?" Loki demanded scowling at the poor thing like a bear about to eat its prey.

Blossom wanted to speak, but Castor interrupted her. "Our mission is over. You don't need to drop by here unless we invite you."

Her eyes darted towards us as she frowned. "But-but-"

    "But. Nothing." Castor hissed and the crackling of thunder exploded from outside.

It was only now that I noticed how dark it had grown out the windows. The thunder rumbling was quite near, accompanied by flashes of lightning that looked like a scene out of a horror movie.

    I wondered, who could be causing it.

Loki or Castor?
Those two looked ready to fry Blossom out of existence.

   "Who's going to teach her?" She shot out.

"US!" They all replied in unison. This little show of affection made my heart quake with a sensation of belonging. And right in front of all five of them, purple sparkles started floating out of my chest.

    I stared down in awe, marveling at whatever was happening.

Within a minute, the purple energy sparkles filled the entire room, lighting it up like little purple fireflies.
It looked so magical. So breathtaking.

    "What, is this?" Orm asked clueless as he tapped on one of the tiny floating purple balls.

   They all gazed at me, eyes full of wonder.

I proceeded to touch them, and they instantly started attaching themselves to all of them.

   "Get these off of me!" Blossom screamed trying to wipe them from her clothes and skin.
I frowned at her and all her movements ceased. This left her standing in an awkward position while the purple sparkles remained all over her.

    "Mel?" Axle called sounding a bit frightened. "Can you make them go away?"

I shook my head in all honesty and gazed to my side at Castor. He wasn't worried even the tiniest bit, he just stood there with a smile on his lips. Something about his calmness made me calm my excitement.

    "Don't be afraid. We'll help you control whichever gifts you have." Castor promised, and almost immediately, the purple energy seemed to penetrate their bodies. I could see them moving from all parts of their bodies and finally concentrating on their chests. When the energy gathered in their core, their eyes lit up golden for a few seconds, except for Blossom's which turned completely black.

In thirty seconds, everything settled and the room went dim again.
     "What just hap-" Blossom thudding on the floor cut Axle's short.

As Orm picked her up.

I felt a new energy surging through me. I could almost taste it...disgusting.

    "What do we do?" Axle questioned just as the weather outside cleared, allowing sunshine to flow in the house.


      "Hades? Can you hear me?" I called and looked all around me, secretly expecting him to pop up.

  Seconds ticked away into an entire minute and...nothing. He didn't show up.

   I sulked, cursing him for this delay.
He was supposed to be at my beck and call since he was, part of me.

   "Fucking liar." I breathed pacing to my bed.
As I was about to jump on it with my face to the ceiling, a hand slithered around my waist and pulled me to a standing position.

   The white hair announced Hades' arrival before our eyes could meet.

   "Where were you?" I demanded, stepping away from him in a display of anger.

Hades chuckled before flickering my nose.
   "I'm at most a minute late."

"Doesn't make it any better," I argued feeling with a soft glare, but my heart was beating with a weird thrill.

    He turned away from me and walked over to the door, then majestically made his way back to where I stood. Lawd! Why did his hair make me tick so differently?

  "Do you want to punish me?" Hades whispered. His lips thinned to a naughty smirk.

My right eyebrow arched. Punishment?

    "N-no." I stuttered lowering my gaze.

"Melanie." Hades uttered in a low, deep whisper while his finger raised my chin.

Every system in my body collapsed for a millisecond to his voice and his touch.

   What the fuck was I feeling?

He was not real. He was not real. He was not...why did it feel so real? Why did the charm in his eyes pull me in?

   "What do you want me to do for you?"

"Uuh! Um... You..." His closeness clogged my mind. Especially how he was leaning in at my face.

     "Yes?" His breaths mingled with mine in a give-and-take moment, intoxicating me to the depth of my soul.

    The fingers on my chin angled it further upwards till our lips brushed. The same energy from my brothers' incident earlier slid back, only this time, it started exiting me from my parted mouth.

      His gentle amused chuckle drew my eyes up to his, but realized they were shut.
I followed suit and allowed full lips contact.
We kissed for some seconds, and the more it went on, the more the energy grew from me.

  Hades suddenly gathered me closer to himself while his mouth deepened the kiss.


Today, the energy coming from her tasted so damn good. I wanted more. More. And so I held her as close as I could and kissed her as deep as I could.

    She was growing weak, but not from the energy I was consuming, I deduced it must have had something to do with her young hormones.

To support her failing legs, I picked her up and they automatically wound around me like hooks.
   She slowly withdrew, but only for a few seconds to gaze into my eyes. With her panting breaths, she whispered, "Kiss me again."

I certainly didn't need her to say it again. Turned out I was enjoying this more than I should have. But, what was the harm? To her, I was an illusion brought to life. When I would have enough and get bored with her, I would go back to my haven and she would never know that I was actually her history teacher.

    The contact must have been too much for her to handle. In the middle of the kiss, Mel passed out, collapsing on the shoulder gently.

   I laughed gazing to the side at the full-length mirror that had spectated the whole scenario. She looked so tiny compared to me. Normally, I would be unamused by this, but somehow, I thought we looked quite...adorable.

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