I Like Your Beard

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-Alex's PoV-

He has a nice ass... shame I can't do anything with it yet... omg what am I thinking!? Alex had been spooning Ross for a few hours, keeping some distance between them, but close enough to keep warm. He could tell Ross wasn't asleep yet, "Hey..." Alex whispered.

"Hmm?" Came from the sleepy Ross, "whats you want?"

"C"mere..." Alex pulled Ross to face him and rubbed his hand against Ross' stubble, Ross reaching up to play with Alex's beard.

"I like your beard, do you think I should grow one?" Ross asked with a yawn.

"You look brilliant the way you are, now by the sounds of things you need some sleep." Alex planted a small kiss on Ross' head as he curled up and rested on Alex's chest, making him position himself to accomodate it. Omg he is so cute curled up... I do think he looks better without facial hair... im falling again... please don't fuck up...

Alex woke up with the sun, looking over to his bedside table he saw thats it was just coming up to 8. Ross stirred at his side, having rolled over in his sleep. Alex rolled over and started to stroke Ross' hair, ttying to get some more sleep and not trying to wake Ross.

"Alex.... what time is it?"

Shit, he's awake. "Just coming up on 8."

"Then we should get a move on, still gotta go to work."

I may have forgotten that... time to get up...

"Can I use your shower?" Ross inquired as he sat up, after yesterday I feel grotty and nasty."

"If you wanted we could shower together? No hanky panky, I'm just thinking it would save time."

"Yeah, we're grown men, and I don't think I'm ready for that yet."

So Alex led Ross to the bathroom, grabbing some towels along the way. He turned on the fan and turned the knob in the shower. "I hope you don't mind a hot shower." Alex said as he started to strip, seeing Ross had already done so. Reaching in to test the temperature Ross came up behind Alex and hugged him, placing a kiss on his shoulder. "C'mon, the temperature 's good. Thought you said you wanted a shower."

"Yeah, yeah, after you."

Alex climbed in and called for Ross to join. "Pass us the body wash, I'll let you under the water while I lather up."

"Cool cool, here." Ross gave the shower gel to Alex as they cautiously stepped around eachother.

"This is a bit cramped." Alex commented as he soaped up.

"This was your idea, I just wanted a shower... give us the gel now?"

"Eh, saves time. I need to was my hair." Alex gave Ross the gel and the two did the awkward shuffle, he leaned his head back, getting his hair sufficiently wet for the shampoo.

The showering went by rather sucessfully and quickly. The two were getting dressed as Ross' phone went off.

"Chris, what's up.... uhuh.... what?! Man calm down! Speak English mate! Right.... okay.... nah man, we're just getting ready to come in.... sure.... okay.... yeah.... okay.... your usual? Sure.... see you there.... okay.... bye...."

"C'mon, we gotta go get coffee and hurry on up to the office."

"Sure, lets go then." Alex finished getting dressed, threw on shoes and got his keys, "I'll drive."

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