New beginning

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The lab was dimly lit with a blue light reflecting off it's walls. The portal, a scientific creation by two people deemed nutcases by, well, everyone.

But it worked. Not right away of course. Jack and Maddie had detailed blueprints laying all over the lab. They set everything up perfectly and maliciously.

Everything was set, everything was right. All they had to do, was plug it in.

There was a small spark, but that was it.

"I don't understand it just doesn't make sense" Maddie kept saying as she reviewed the blueprints.

Her husband had messed up in college with the calculations, ever since then she did them. Had she missed something?

"Aww darn it! And to think we dedicated our lives to this portal, all for nothin!" Jack said dejected. Maddie smiled slightly.

She knew after he at some ridge he would be in a much better inventing mood.

"You know, maybe it's a sign" Jazz said.

"Maybe you should give up on this whole "ghost hunting" thing and get real Jobs" Jazz said pointedly.

"Jazz, your too cute you know that. Don't worry, after a little nap, mom will have it up and running!" Maddie said picking Jazzes cheeks.

Jazz jerked out of Maddie's grip and stormed away saying,

"when Danny and I have to see therapists in the future, I'll make sure to let them know it was your fault! I'm going out, don't follow me! "

Maddie yawned. She made her way up to her bed and passed out immediately as she plopped onto her bed.

Danny walked in the house to find a note on the fridge.

*Out of fudge, went to get more


Danny shrugged and started to look for his mom, he had a school paper that needed to be signed. Preferably sooner rather than later.

When he found her passed out in her room he sighed. There was no waking her up. Once she was sleep, nothing could wake her.

Danny noticed something in her hand and grabbed it from her loose grip. Blueprints.

Danny looked at his mom. They must've tried the portal, again.

Danny took the blueprints back down the lab and set them on top of a messy counter. As his eyes wandered around the lab, his gaze fell on the portal.

Now he wasn't much of scientist, or academically smart at all, but he thought maybe there was something he could do.

Danny stepped towards the portal.

"Safety first!" A voice rang in his head sounding just like his mom.

Danny grabbed a jumpsuit and pulled it on. He grimaced at the Jack sticker as he pulled it off the suit. So ugly.

Tossing it away, Danny stepped inside. The portal was filled with wires that snaked around each other on the floor, making it hard to walk with snagging his shoes on them.

Danny slid his hand along the cool medal of the portal. Danny started moving towards the back of the portal and then a wire wrapped itself around his foot.

Danny pressed against the metal wall of the dome shaped portal to try and get it off his foot. His palm pushed in a button, that he hadn't seen before.

Danny shook the cord off as a soft hum began inside the portal. Suddenly everything was a blinding green. It was so bright he had to close his eyes.

An electric pulse coursed through veins. His skin crawled as the voltage in his nerves vibrated, radiating pain throughout him. Danny screamed as the torture continued.

Danny felt as if his veins were bursting, inside his hest he swore he felt the cold touch if jagged ice infecting his heart. The tainted electricity rained his blood stream, rearranging his DNA.

And then, it was over.

Danny woke up from being unconscious on the lab floor. Somehow, when he was half conscious, he had pulled himself out of the portal.

Danny stood up, not knowing what to expect. Danny eyed the swirling green that sat at the entrance of the portal. He did it! He had turned in the portal.

Danny almost cried out in relief that he wasn't dead. Then he caught a reflection of himself in a medal beaker. And he was glowing.

Danny ran from the lab in a frightened panic. He shut himself in his room and stared at himself in the mirror. He couldn't believe the person he saw staring back at him.

A glowing green teenager, with purely white hair and unearthly green eyes. He was a freak!

Suddenly a happy shriek was heard downstairs. Not even a moment later, Danny's mom was outside his room.

"No,non,no,no,no why now?" He asked himself in a whisper.

Danny flinched as Maddie opened the door, he thought he had it locked! He waited for a gasp, a terrified scream, a gun to his face. ANYTHING!

instead Maddie went up to him and grabbed his hand. His ungloved hand. Danny caught a glimpse at himself in the mirror as he was being dragged out of his room.

A familiar black haired, blue eyes boy greeted him.

Yeah, Danny remembered that day, very well.

Ever since that day, he had to lie, to eveyone.

Even his friends. One was too obsessed with heroes, the other hated the thought of the vigilantes.

Danny had no choice, he didn't want to end being hated or stalked, not to mention dissected because his parents found out somehow.

So he hid it from them all.

It worked out well for the most part. He fought the ghosts, shoved them back into the ghost zone, and saved the day.

If course his friends weren't to keen on him always disappearing only to reappear with some strange excuses. His parents were also worried. His grades were going down and he didn't seem present anymore.

Thinking back on it, Danny wished he had just been honest, but he was in too deep now.

One day Danny had to save the people inside the Nasty Burger, a popular small restaurant. The place blew up with what everybody thought, was Danny inside.

Because of the wreckage, even if there had been a body to find, it would have been reduced to ashes. Since nobody could find Danny eveyone believed he had died.

And they all balmed it on the ghostly menace, Danny Phantom.

Danny wanted to tell everyone he was alive, but it was too late. The government started hunting him, sending people like the Guys In White and apparently, the justice league.

Danny had no choice, he went into hiding. He perfected masking his ecto signature and only went out as his human half. He escaped from A city Park to someplace far away.

A place so full of crime, it wouldn't notice a wandering child all on his own.

A place where he could lay low and live a new life.

Gotham City.

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