Samantha Boscarino as Sally McAdams
She looked up at the horrifying ride. She could hear people screaming, either out of terror or happiness. Although, she can't imagine who would squeal of happiness on such a ride. The heights, constant stopping, and small spaces were enough to make her nauseous. To think that she would have to be on the ride some time later. Not now, of course, in the early afternoon. The blistering heat, added to the aspects of the Ferris Wheel would be too much to bear.
Sally walked around the rest of the fair, helping where she needed to. The Custerville Fair was a huge part of Sally's childhood. Ever since her nine year-old self had learned she could volunteer at the Fair, she's been doing it every July. She may know every single detail of the fair from the nightly hay ride to the secret goodie carts around the fair, but it is still very close to her heart. The fair only lasted three days, but was a huge part of the Custerville experience. She loved every aspect of it. Well, except the dreaded Ferris Wheel, the horrible corn dogs, and the extreme heat.
Sally then pulled out her phone and checked the details of her volunteering shifts for the last day of the fair. Hopefully, it will be better than the first day where she got stuck with a broken popcorn machine, and had to deal with a whole lot of screaming kids. The second day wasn't any better where she had to handle the pony rides. She knew she was bad with animals, but she didn't think it would be so bad that all the ponies nearly ran away when she touched them. She had known the old gals of Ms.Reilly, the stable owner, since she was a kid, but apparently they still didn't know her. By the evening, luckily the horses and Sally managed to reach a compromise involving carrots, and were able to continue calmly, unlike the beginning of the day.
She shuddered at the memories, and looked down at her phone. She sighed in relief when she read the words Dunk Tank. She then headed to the dunk tank, near the back of the fair. To be splashed would surely be a pleasure under the merciless sun. She changed from her jeans and T-shirt to her bathing suit. She then took her position at the slightly high chair and awaited her dunking destiny. As kids lined up for a turn to throw her into the cold waters below her, she noticed a familiar brown curly-haired head. The head looked up and waved at her. Of, course Colton Thomas........
dedicated to @thsbllx
for being an amazing person, great writer, and a good friend!!!! :)
Contocover made by the fabulous @dandielions "An invention of pure terror, the Ferris Wheel is." "But, the view is so beautiful, seeing everything from up high.." "Don't even mention the extreme heights, or I will puke." "What if I help you get over you...