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Daughter: Hey, dad can you please call me a taxi at 8:00 am tomorrow morning?
Dad: Sure
Daughter: *smiles* "Thanks dad!"
*both of them are sitting at the breakfast table*
Dad: "You are a Taxi!"
Daughter: "OMG!" Dad, I meant, please call me an Uber

Dad laughs like a maniac while Mum is busy in the kitchen

(The follow up)

Dad: "Okay" *picks up the phone placing on the ear*
Honey, can you do the same?
Daughter: *confused look*
"Uh..ok dad"
*picks up her mobile and placed it on the ear*
"Now what dad?"
Dad: *pretends talking to her daughter with all excitement*
"Hey, Nikki how are you doing my baby" " You know what?"
"From now onwards I'm gonna call you an Uber!"
*dad continues to laugh and falls off the chair*
Daughter: *eye rolls* then after few seconds she bursts out into laughter too

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⏰ Last updated: Sep 01, 2023 ⏰

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