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Severus definitely felt worse for wear as he exited the bathroom. He hadn't realised just how much those potions masked his aches and pains. He also hadn't realised how late it had become, quarter to eleven, that's what the grandfather clock read. His eyes drifted to the figure leaning against the bed post, book forgotten on the floor. He smiled softly at her sleeping figure. Her hair falling out of its normally tight bun.
With a soft chuckle Severus made his way over to her dressing table, eyeing the potions lined up on the tray. An almost smile graced his lips as he noticed the little tags she'd added to each one in her elegant writing. Just as well, otherwise he'd have to start smelling each one to try and identify what was what, because he certainly wasn't about to wake her up.

He'd taken the potions and washed the vile tastes away with the cold coffee that lay waiting for him beside her empty teacup. He spun around at the whimper escaping the woman, she was still very much asleep. Severus approached her, summoning the book from the floor he placed it on the table beside where she lay sound asleep. His eyes fell to her sleeping form, her back was propped up against pillows and the head board. Her legs crossed at the ankle, her dress cascading over the bed and down the side. Her rosy lips parted slightly, and the candle light danced against her porcelain skin. She was a vision for sore eyes.

Severus reached for the tartan throw that barely hung on to the edge of the bed and draped it over Minerva, unable to stop himself from brushing a strand of hair from her face.
He'd considered leaving her here and making himself comfortable in the guest bedroom, though he knew if she were to wake up he'd have an ear full in the morning. So he decided to stay, he made his way to the opposite side of the bed and carefully climbed beneath the covers. With a deep breath, and a wince of pain he tried to adjust his position, settling down he turned his gaze towards the sleeping woman slightly propped against the head board. He should have moved her, placed her in a comfier position. He reached for his wand, and using all the strength he could muster in his current condition he very slowly, and very hesitantly managed to get her into a lying position, her head now resting on a pillow. He sighed releasing his breath he'd held back, the potions hadn't quite kicked in and he could feel his body begging for rest. It ached all over, sharp little pains erupted through his body resulting in a hiss from the man, he squinted his eyes shut, waiting for the torment to pass.

"Here drink this, it'll help." Severus snapped his eyes open to see the woman hovering over his form with an unidentified bottle. She'd cast a restraint charm on his quivering body,
"It'll help with the spasms." She slowly lowered the liquid to his lips, and frowned when he turned his head away.
"Severus now is not the time to be stubborn, let me help you." She said sternly, another sharp pain courses through his body and the man finally gives in and allows the woman to assist him with drinking the potion. His eyes reluctantly fell on her face as she brought the potion to his lips, as he drunk the vile liquid his eyes remained focused on her concentrated face. The way her brows knitted together, and her lips became a thin line. Her escaped hair dangled between them, cascading down her face like a waterfall. When he'd drunk the potion the woman sat up, ripping him of her warmth and closeness. Her fragrance still lingered, and to that he was quite thankful.

"That should start working straight away." She said, placing the empty bottle on the side table.
And true to her words the potion took effect immediately. The man sat up and turned his attention to the woman sat beside him, she had her back to him pottering with something in her draw.
"Thank you." He spoke quietly, his voice rough and ragged. Minerva turned to face him, a smile on her lips.
"You thanking me? I could get used to this." There's that mischievous twinkle he loved so, dancing around her eyes.
"I wouldn't count on it." His voice had more malice than he intended, though he gave his best smile and the woman's smile only grew.

"You should have woken me up. It would have saved you having to go through that." Her smile faded, and the stern professor returned.
"Not to mention, you certainly shouldn't have wasted your energy on moving me. I would have been perfectly fine. You on the other hand weren't." Her hands rested on the bed between them, she never was one to talk with her hands, not that she ever needed to, her voice and glare alone was enough to emphasise what she wanted to get across. Which is exactly why he found himself staring at her hands rather than her face.

"Are you even listening to me Severus?" She huffed upon realising her speech was wasted on him. She was about to give him another talking to when she felt his hand around hers, her breath hitched, her eyes flicker between their adjoining hands and his suddenly intense gaze.

He noted her hands were tiny in comparison to his own, and so warm and soft compared to his hard gruff hands that are aligned with severe burn scars from certain potions he found himself brewing. The hitch in her breathing didn't go unnoticed, and he found himself staring at her now, he watched as her eyes didn't know where to look, and was that a tint of pink creeping it's way up her neck and to her cheeks? He gave her hand a gentle squeeze, before running his thumb along her smooth skin. He couldn't quite stop his own smug smirk as he realised this motion rendered the woman speechless, Minerva was never speechless. Had he known that grabbing her hand would silence her, he'd have done it a lot sooner.

Silence past between them, though his motions never stopped, and she made no effort to pull her hand away. He dared to glance at the woman, and found her eyes already focused on him, then to both their surprise a low and fluttery sound began emanating from her, followed by a subtle vibration. Minerva's eyes widen as an amused smirk made its way to Severus' lips.

She was purring, Minerva Mcgonagall was purring.

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