Chapter 2

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A few weeks later Minerva sat in her classroom preparing for the start of term, she couldn't help but glance out of the window every now and then at the rays of sunlight that burst through her window lighting up that part of the room. She sighed, today was one of the first clear days they'd had in a while, the sun was shining brightly in its crystal blue sky, little puffs of white clouds scattered across the endless blanket of blue. Not a dark and gloomy rain cloud in sight.

Another sigh escaped her lips as she glanced back down at the preparation plan before her, this year she'd adjusted the normal curriculum and added what she thought might benefit her students were things to get worse. She shuddered at the thought of war, images flashing through her mind, students faces and lifeless bodies. She shook her head and closed her eyes, those thoughts would do her no good. She couldn't, shouldn't think like that!

She mentally scolded herself for that moment of weakness, if she was going to allow herself to fall into that spiral she'd might as well give up fighting now.
But that wasn't going to happen, it couldn't they needed all the help they could get, not to mention too many people relied on her for her to lose herself so easily to those dark and depressing thoughts that lingered there. She needed to focus, focus on getting everything ready for the start of term. The students were her priority, their safety and education are the upmost important thing right now.

No time to dwell on what might happen.

Perhaps a tea might help, Minerva thought to herself about to get up when his familiar scent snapped her from her thoughts, he didn't knock. He faltered at the door before entering.
He strode in, door closing behind him. His face remained as emotionless as ever but his eyes told her of the conflicting thoughts battling inside his mind. She smiled.
He was a skilled legilimens and occulemens, a highly skilled one at that, even Dumbledore found it hard to grasp what state he was in mentality wise. He had on occasion shared his concern with Minerva, she however took comfort in knowing not even Albus has managed to find his inner most personal thoughts and feelings.

"You appear to be happy." His deep voice brought her back to the land of the living, he was stood directly in front of her desk, eyebrow quirked, looking down at her expectantly.
"I was admiring one of the first sunny days we've had in a while."
"You're a terrible liar." He smirked, placing his hands on her desk, he leaned down.
She smiled, meeting his eyes then tapped the side of her nose.
"You know I could just find out myself." He quirked his brow.
"Oh please, you wouldn't dare." She was right of course when it came to serious matters, he respected her privacy though that mischievous twinkle in her eye told him all he needed to know.

Wouldn't I?

Minerva chuckled, as he tried to poke around in her mind. It was a weak attempt, a half hearted attempt. She knew if he really had the intention to do so he'd see everything. She made no effort to push him out, instead she crossed her arms and leaned back in her chair, an amused sparkle dancing in her eyes.
He probed a bit more and found what he was looking for.
He gave her that look.

I wasn't aware you thought so highly of me

She offered him a smile,
"Wouldn't want that head of yours getting too big now would I?"
"Like yours you mean?" There was a moment of pause before the woman began chuckling. Had the woman not chosen that moment to close her eyes she'd have seen his smile, his smile aimed at her.
"Touché" she finally said, looking up at him. He hadn't moved from his position, leaning over her desk, both hands supporting his weight. There was something about this position that found Minerva becoming very hot. She swallowed as she met his dark orbs.

"Care to join me for a tea?"
"You read my mind." She  quirked her brow, a smile on her face. Severus' lips twitched as he pushed himself back, then rounded her desk and offered her his hand. She accepted and with his help arose from her chair.
"Perhaps a walk around the lake?"
"As long as you don't push me in." Severus didn't even need to offer his arm, she took it anyway.
"Believe me Minerva, of all the things I'd like to do to you, pushing you in the lake isn't one of them." That comment had the wheels inside Minerva's head turning, all the things?

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