17) My first kill

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The so-called divine messenger was still out cold the following morning.

Castor checked her pulse and frowned.

"Don't worry, you have me," Axle whispered beside me. He then placed an arm across my shoulders while we waited for the promisingly bad news.

    "At least she's not dead," Axle commented as Castor rose from the bed.

  "Can she die?"

Axle shrugged his shoulders giving me a 'maybe' look.

  "Yes, Mel. She can die. Divine messengers are beings made from the powers and souls of deities. While we, cannot be killed, our servants can die." Castor took the liberty of explaining.

The seriousness on his face sent chills down my spine. What was he afraid of? Or should I ask, who?
    My eyes jumped from the motionless female and onto Castor. "Who was her...her maker?" The last part came out as a low whisper that lacked any confidence.

  The two shared a glance.
Castor sighed reaching out to me. I took his hand and he gently pulled me to himself.

    His expression changed to a soft loving face, but I could still see the worry behind this mask. "Don't worry about that. We'll take responsibility."

I shook my head stepping back.
With a firm face, I objected to his idea of protecting me.
"I did this. If there's any punishment, I will bear it."

We held the eye contact for about a minute before Axle cleared his throat from behind me. "Um...we can give her a day or two before sending her back." He suggested.

    "Is there anything I can do to help?" I enquired gripping Castor's hand firmly. My heart was hoping he'd have a positive answer.

  He just rubbed my cheek using his free hand and shook his head. "We've no idea what kind of power you possess Mel. Experimenting with a life can backfire terribly."

     My heart broke.
I had caused this, yet there was no damn thing I could do to help.

Castor cupped my cheek when he noticed how distant my mind had retreated. "You'll wrinkle your fave with this terrible frown."

  I chuckled, my anxiety diluted by a little amusement.

As the moment solidified in my memory, the doorbell rang, cutting the little stare Castor and I had been sharing.
    "I'll get it." Axle volunteered.

I turned around, only to catch the sight of Axle vanishing.

  "How, how does he do that?"

Castor offered a proud laugh.
"One of the many abilities a deity possesses. You'll learn all of that as we start teaching you."

I glanced to the side at him and smiled. Never had I felt so lucky. My life was great, had such loving god-bros, had an exciting self-discovery journey ahead, and had Hades, whom I couldn't stop thinking about.

   I quickly gave myself a mental slap.
Couldn't stop thinking about huh?


      "You look, different." Aggie voiced.

I smiled taking a bite of my burger. "That's because I am different."

Phil raised a suspicious brow while drinking her mango juice from the straw. She then offered it to me. "You look like you're about to choke from that."

   "No, I don't." I disagreed with my mouth full, so unladylike. "But I'll take it."
I grabbed the cup and set it beside my lunchbox.

It felt nice being back in school. Nothing much had changed, but it made my heart throb seeing all these familiar faces. Although there was one I wasn't looking forward to meeting... Aldric.
After all I had done with his version(Hades), I didn't have the balls to look him in the eye the same again.

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