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POV no one's

it's morning 9:30. Everyone is minding their own business after having dinner.
Jin is busy with his beautiful face. Namjoon feeding his crabs. Hoseok stalking Army 'on twitter. Yeah he does that. Jikook is out for shopping

Yoongi who was just chilling in the couch notice some ones stares at him.

POV yoongi

I looked around and sees Taehyung looking at me. I smiled at him, but he doesn't respond. Well that's awwkard. He is still starting at me.
"Is it something on my face" I asked. "No, it's just . Nothing" he awwkardly said. "Okay".

POV Taehyung

That's soo awwkard. I come to my room after my small encounter with yoongi hyung. Like I don't realise I was starting at him. He is so perfect in every angle. He look like a doll.

Yeah. I love yoongi hyung. He is soo perfect and. Beautiful. Yeah you read that right, beautiful. He always address yoongi like that. He opened his tab and played "yoongi cute compilations" vedios he found on YouTube. It becomes a habit for him. Yesterday was a very tiring day,but still Tae couldn't sleep before watching yoongi's vedio. It makes him relaxed.
But, what he don't realise is that day by day he is growing a not so small obbsestion towards his hyung.  And he don't realise that this may not end well.

Yoongi is not a person who love affection. Any kind of affection. But, Tae is opposite. He love affection, a small regection can cause a heartbreak for him. 

Many many time later(4:00)

Yoongi woke up with a huge headache.After his afternoon nap. He can feel his head blowing up, and can't even open his eyes fully. He slowly walked down to kitchen to drink some water. Each step he takes feel so heavy and he feel like his head may explode any time. Jin who was in kitchen with a coffe mug saw him.
And asked " omg. Looks like you have a fever yoongs." " yeah, may be" he replied.

Jin carefully said to " yoongs, go take rest. I will bring dinner to your room."
"Okay" with that said yoongi goes back to his room with water. And lay on bed. He don't know when he fall asleep.

Jin said to everyone that yoongi is not feeling well, so don't disturb him. Because, yoongi is usually grumby when he is sick and small things irritate him. Everyone agreed.
But, as you may have guessed on person want to take care of his hyung.

" No means no tae" jin said
"But, hyung plz."tae. " what is going on here?" Namjoon who just come to kitchen asked confused , seeing jin scolding Tae.
"This brat, wanted to go to yoongi's room. To check on him" jin said
" why tae. You know this is not a good idea."Namjoon said to tae
" but, hyung. Yoongi hyung always take care of us when one of us are sick. But, now we just left him in his room.what if he want something" tae protest
" well, you know how grumby he is ,when he is sick. And if he want anything he will text us.and we are taking care of him from a safe distance " jin said
" yeah, tae. He will message us if he want anything. We understand you wanna help hyung. But, he is sick he will scold you and you will be sad. We don't want that" Namjoon said
But, hyung. He won't scold me. I will just take a quick- "NO. Namjoon take him away"jin said cutting tae's sentence.
" Tae I understand that you want to help him. And I understand you are stubborn. So just do what you want' Namjoon
" yeah! Kim Namjoon what did you said" angry jin looked at Namjoon." Hyung he will do that anyway. You know tae he never listen to us."Namjoon
" yeah. But, it's like you give permission.- wait where did he do?"Jin looked around

Yeah kim Taehyung sniked out from there. He goes to yoongi's room.
He slowly opened the door, and saw a small figure on bed. The room is big with black colour. Just like a cave.

His room

( The position yoongi sleeping on

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( The position yoongi sleeping on. And imagine he is sleeping in middle okay)

Tae walked closer to bed. And looked at yoongi. He is soo cute. No wonder why the army calls him a kitten.
He stares at him some time. Until he can't hold back anymore. He slowly  lay down on yoongi's side. Back hugging him. He knows yoongi is a heavy sleeper. He won't wake up no matter what.
He cuddles him softly. And nozzles his nose on yoongi's neck. Inhaling his scent.  He read in an ff that yoongi smells like  sweets.but, now he is smelling him, it's like strawberry and vanilla mixed. He leans closer. His smell is addictive.
He moved closer again, if it's possible.
His member is getting hard now. But, he controlled it and  inhaled his scent more. And slowly kissed yoongi'z neck. And Tae fall asleep slowly.

After some time

Yoongi slowly started to wake up.  But, he can't move much. He saw a large arm holding his waist. He moved a lot causing tae to wake up.

"What the hell are you doing in my room.tae" yoongi shouted.

"Hyung. I just come here to check on you." Tae solwly said. He don't want anyone to hear them.
And ? Why are you sleeping next to me? Yoongi asked
" I didn't mean to. I just come closer to your bed to check your temperature. But, you suddenly hugged me and I don't want to wake you  up so I laid next to you" tae lied. Giving his hyung a puppy eye
" oh. Okay. " yoongi said.
Tae danced in victory, obviously in his mind.
" Do you want something hyung. Is your fever gone ?" Tae
" I think so. But, I still have some headache. I will go take a shower. You go to your room tae". Yoongi
" Hyung I will bring something to eat. " Tae
"No, tae. Jin hyung will bring something later. You just go "yoongi said
But, will tae give up no. Atlast tae give yoongi food and they both eat in yoongi's room.

Tae sleeped well that night. He can still feel the warmth of yoongi's body against his. And the smell. He wanted to smell him again.

But, yoongi was not that dumb. He can't digest the fact that he hugged tae in his sleep.  And he can't figure out how tae get in his room
. Because he is 100% sure that he closed the door before going to sleep.  It's his habit. He don't want that brat makane to sneak into him room again. So he always lock the door.
Then how tae get in??   he don't want to conclude anything. He don't want to think so much. His headache is not letting him. So he just ignore the questions on his mind. And goes to sleep.

( so how do you think tae get in yoongi's room?)

Give me some feedback back.🙂
And you can always give ideas on how you want the story to go on☺️

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