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"Tae I understand why you are doing this all. But, you k.now that we are bandmates and moreover you are like my brother. " Yoongi said done with Tae's staring at him.

They are now in the kitchen, the whole time Tae was staring at him, and he understood what was going on in the younger's mind.

" well you guessed right, I have feelings for you, oh no I love you." Taehyung said.
He is not surprised by yoongi's words. Because he knows him well.yoongi is a straight forward person.

"Hmm. You are just confused about your feelings. "Yoongi said the same dialogue he said to Jimin.

"How do you know that?" Taehyung asked.
" what?" Yoongs
"How do you know I am confused about my feelings. "Tae
"Well, Tae one day I saw your laptop. It had Wattpad and so many ship stories. I'm sure you ready a lot now you just think that you may have feelings for me. It's completely normal to be confused. We can pretend it never happened." Yoongi said

" Really we can pretend it never happened. " Tae said moving closer to yoongi.
He hugged yoongi. Pulling his waist closer and burring  his nose on yoongi's neck.( I'm using this scene so much isn't.😆I just love this type of huggs so much.)

"You can forget what happens in beach. "Tae said still hugging yoongi
" yes. Now leave."yoongi
"No. You think you can use the same formula you used on jimin. It won't work on me " Tae said
"How do you know about that?"yoongi asked. That was a secret between yoongi and jimin. No one knows that (did I said everyone know that 😬)

"Jimin is my best friend. He told me everything." Tae said
Yoongi slowly pulled away from the hug.
"I love you. I loved you for a long time.i don't wanna wait no more." Tae said holding yoongi's hands.

"Tae we can't date. You are like my brother."yoongi said

" We can date, just like Hobi hyung dating. And yes, maybe you are seeing me as a brother. But, I am sure I can change that."Tae said confidently.

He already imagined what was going to happen the whole day. He also guessed this conversation will happen, and what will be the things yoongi is gonna say to him.

Tae said now cupping yoongi's face in his hands.
" I love you. And I know deep down you still have feelings for me." Tae said deeply looking into yoongi's eyes.
The moment Tae said those sentence yoongi's eyes widened

The moment Tae said those sentence yoongi's eyes widened

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( imagine Tae is cupping yoongi's face. Ignore the helmet)

( yoongi's face widened)

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( yoongi's face widened)


I know the story is going too fast isn't. I don't like stories which is long and have unnecessary chapters.

So this story is goona be fast ⏩

I hope you like it.

You can give me ideas. Like how you want the next chapter to be or anything. 😊

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