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"They both are breathing heavily "

"T..Tae ..." yoongi
"Hmmm" Taehyung.
"Leave.. someone will see ." Yoongi said quietly. He is still shocked from what happened and embarassed.
"Are you worried about that? Nothing else?? " Tae asked teasingly.
Tae slowly loosen the hugg.
Yoongi  stand up.
" let's go" yoongi said. Still not looking at Taehyung. He is soo embarassed.
"Yeah. Let's go" Tae said with a smirk 😏
They waked toward the car. And get in .

The drive was quite. Yoongi was lost in thoughts. While Taehyung was smiling inside and thinking about the moment they had.

Pov yoongi

What did just happened?? What will Tae think about me. Maybe Tae was just caught up in the moment. This may meant nothing to him. Don't he think I'm a freak to react like that. I didn't even say no. Why did he even do that.????

His train of thoughts  where cut when he realises that this is not the way to dorm. He thought maybe they are gonna eat out .                       
"Oh god plz no. I just wanna go home and lay in my bed. I can't stand him now. "Yoongi thought.
But, again Tae is not stopping in front of any resturents or shops. Then where are they going.

"Hmm. Is this a short cut??" Yoongi asked hesitately.
"You will see " Taehyung said smirking.
Well that made yoongi freak out. He is screaming internally. 

"Say something. Why are you quite. ?" Tae said looking innocent.

"Hmm. W..hat is there to s..ay." yoongi
"Why are you shuttering? Are you shy" Tae said

Tae stopped the car in front of this  mansion

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Tae stopped the car in front of this  mansion.

"Who's house is this? Why are we here?" Yoongi asked.

"Aren't you tired? It's been a long day" Tae said getting out of the car. And opening yoongi 's door.
"Yeah. Soo let's go to the dorm" yoongi
" it's also your home hyung. It's mine.i wanted to bring you here first" Tae said smiling

"Come on get in " Tae said holding yoongi hands and taking him inside.

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