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(Bangtan group chat)

Namjoon: Guys!! manager just called. We are getting one week leave.

Jin: Finally 😩. I deserve some time alone, from from crakheads

Jimin: wow.

Jungkook : I feel personally attacked

Jhope : yay 😁

Yoongi : so? If it a day off you should be sleeping. Not messaging

Namjoon : I'm just passing the message😔

Yoongi : can't you just pass the message through private chats. Now these idiots will text here for long 🙄

Jin : ehh yoongi. Don't be grumby we know you love us 😘

Yoongi : yeah whatever 🙄. I'm out

Taehyung: wow . Day off. 🥳

( later)

Everyone gone out for shopping. Only taegi was  in dorm. Yoongi was lazy to go and tae just decided to stay home.

Yoongi come out, from the bathroom. He opened the closet and wore comfy clothes.  He goes downstairs and take a quick look at kitchen. He dicided to make some noodles. While he picked one packet, he thought about asking Tae if he want one. So , he left from there to search Tae.

He asked if he want noodles. He said yes. While yoongi was making noodles. Tae back hugged him.
Even though yoongi didn't like it he slide it away. He don't want to scold the younger.
Tae slowly hugged him more closely. Their body was insanely close. Yoongi can feel Tae's breath in his ear. He felt goosebumps.

(Hugging like this)

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(Hugging like this)

"Tae food is ready" yoongi said. And moved away breaking the hug. 

They eat in silence. Tae was staring at yoongi.
Yoongi can feel Tae's gaze on him. That made him slightly uncomfortable and shy ( 😳 is it min yoongi )

POV yoongi

After the food. Yoongi comes back to his room and lays down on the bed. He thought about the little interaction. It's been so long since yoongi last felt some kind of skin ship with anyone. He felt something when Tae hugged his so close. He knows Tae is affectionate and does it normally. He thought about going on a date with someone.   He knew about his sexuality for long enough to understand what is happening on his body. He is bisexual. He dated boys and girls  in the past. He doesn't want to please himself or doesn't want one night stands. He would die other than that.                      

He had eyes on this girl for such a long time, so he decided to ask her out.  Maybe she will like him too.

POV Taehyung

He is smiling ear to ear in his room. It was part of his plan to make yoongi fall in love with him. He planned on being close to yoongi. He wanted to make his hyung hard. So he can make him feel attracted towards him. He know it all sound so stupid. But, knowing his hyung proposal would never work. Yoongi would tell him he is just confused about his feelings and he is like his little brother. Blah blah blah. He heard it all when jimin proposed yoongi.

Yeah. Jimin had a crush on yoongi. So when jimin proposed,yoongi told him that he is just confused and told he is like his brother. And told him to get over it. He even helped him to get dates and slowly jimin's feeling faded.  Now they are just friends and brothers. I don't yoongi to think that my feelings towards him is just a single crush and eventually fade away. It won't. I tried. Each time I'm falling deep.

But, what our Tae tae don't know is that our yoongi had a girl in his mind.  He been keeping an eye on her for long time.

Who do you think it is??

Will Tae get jealous and do something stupid.
How is yoongi gonna find out about Tae's love for him??

(Give me feedback plz)

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