A Blind Date

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I exited my car, double-locking it. My mom had set me up in such a way, that I couldn't even refuse. She knows I like Chen. She's known for quite some time, but she holds a prejudice against Chen's mother. Some incident from their childhood days. Mrs. Wang is the main reason Chen shifted away from me. And she's trying her hand at it.. again. 

I approached the café, which looked scenic. Probably popular among couples. It looked like a place Chen would love to be.. but that idiot is probably playing games on her phone again. I'll have to remind myself to get them deleted from her, as well as some payback from Yue. I searched for the girl I was supposed to go out with. Su Luo, I think her name was. It's not her fault she ended up with me, is it? The one I want here with me... doesn't even know it yet. "Ms. Su?" 

The girl stopped gazing at her tea, and looked up. Mrs. Wang was right. She was very pretty, and had a good sense of fashion. Unlike Chen, she seemed to prefer dresses and jewelry. I doubt she was used to uniforms and normal clothes. That's apparently not a sign of a respectable family in my mom's eyes. Meanwhile, she seemed to have zoned out. I snapped my fingers, jolting her back to reality. "Hello, I'm Su Luo." She greeted, in a soft voice. "Lu Si Cheng. Someone asked me to send you back." I replied, as the smile on her face faltered. Should I have been a little more polite? "Aren't you gonna sit down for coffee?" She questioned, a hopeful look on her face. "No. I have some other things I need to do." I answered, gently refusing.  

I was trying to tell her I had no intention of going out with her, and she should just give up, hopefully without hurting her feelings. The smile on her face had changed into a forced one, I could tell. "...Okay. I need to use the bathroom. Can you wait for me?" Luo asked. I nodded in reply, sitting down on a chair. 

Just then, I got a message from.. Rabbit With A Carrot. Chen?


(This will be used for all further conversations between the two- Chen; Cheng)

'Where are you? Did I interrupt your date?' 
'We met.'

'Is she pretty?'
The reply was quite fast. I hesitated to say something, since I didn't want to give the wrong impression.

'I didn't get a good look at her.'
It was a white lie, and Luo was beautiful, to anyone. The pause after my reply was enough for me to understand she was thinking about some plan. 

'Where are you?'

'The café below Starlight Tower.'

What was she planning?

'Kind-of far for a date, right? But, anyway, I know that place. Turn right from the front door, walk 300 meters, you'll find the best takoyaki. Ask for extra seaweed and bonito flakes. You'll be able to win over any woman.'
She's been here?

'What do you know except food?'

'You are just insulting my kindness.'


Su Luo walked back from the restroom. "Sorry for the wait." 

"It's been 15 minutes. Stomach-ache?" I asked, slightly concerned. She scoffed, sighing. "Men really know nothing. I went to fix my makeup, not use the toilet." Was Mom searching for girls like this? Anyway, I was done. I called out to a waiter. "Server. Bill, please." I thanked the server, and began to walk out. Unfortunately, she followed me. I thought she would have gotten a clear hint that I was not interested. Well, I guess not.

"I heard you are a professional E-Sports player." She asked, earning a slight nod from me. "You're quite different.. from what I expected. I thought all E-Sports players are internet addicts. I never thought there'd be someone like you." She said, trying to rekindle the conversation. I took the bait.

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