Changing sides.

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- Aurelia's POV -

I woke up to loud laughing, I clearly had hangover from last night and I could barely remember a thing. The last thing I remember was getting into the car and.. falling asleep? I think..
I noticed the curtains were drawn and that I was in Tom's room again.
I checked my phone that read the time was '2:57pm'
I groaned loudly and sat up, rubbing my head as shooting pains shot across my forehead.
I stood up walking out of the room towards the kitchen.
I saw Tom and Georg sitting at the sofa playing Uno and laughing.
I covered my ears and searched for a medicine cabinet, but I couldn't find one.
I felt a pair of hands on my waist and turned around to see Tom looking bright as ever.

"You okay after last night?" He asked me looking down.

"If your talking about the drinks then not really.." I told him while rubbing my temples.

"No, not that, you fainting?" He said as he played with my hair.

"I fainted?" I ask him looking up at his face.

"Mhm, you can't drink that much if u can't handle it. Both you and Bill were dizzy and in the same position, except he hasn't woken up
yet." He looked at me with glossy eyes.

"I'm sorry, I guess I thought more drinks would help, and they did at the time but soon wore off." I smiled at him and continued searching.

He pulled out a box full of different medicines and gave me some along with a glass of water, watching as I gulped the pills down.
I thanked him and walked up the stairs towards Bill's room.

"Bill!" I whisper-shouted to him.

He rolled around for a minute and let out a long groan.

"Whatt?" He whispered covering his eyes.

I rushed over to close the curtains to help shut the light out and sat down at the bottom of his bed.

"It's like 3pm I think you should get up.." I whispered to him.

"Alright.." He replied as he sat up holding his forehead tightly.
I brought him a glass of water and pills before I came up, so I placed them down on his nightstand.

"There you go!" I said to him looking at his groggy face.

He drank the water and came to sit downstairs with me.
We sat down and turned on the tv at a low volume then snuggled up with blankets, eating plenty of snacks.

Bill was honestly like a brother to me, he was my best friend. Even if we haven't know each other long, I felt like we known each other for years. It's like we instantly clicked.

Everyone else was out of the room while Gustav slowly slumped down next to us, we were all deeply hungover, it was honestly really funny.

"Hey guys..?" I said as both their heads turned to me.

"Since our sleep schedule will probably be messed up for a few days.. want to try do an all nighter tonight?" I ask them hoping they'd said yes.

Bill gasped dramatically.

"That's the best idea ever!" He shouted, making both me and Gustav cover our ears.

"Heh..sorry." Bill giggled.

We watched movies until sunset and as soon as Georg and Tom went into their rooms we raided the fridge and cupboards. We knew they wouldn't care if we did but it was the excitement that made it fun.

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