2. The Invitation

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16 year old Alexandra Moody looked at her reflection in the mirror, as she adjusted her long black fringe, so that it covered the side of her face that was heavily disfigured.
The incident in her childhood that had taken her mother's life, had also left her permanently scarred, so she always kept the side parting of her hair, long enough to cover the length of her face.
Even though her face didn't look quite as misshapen as her father's, she was still uncomfortable with the way she looked.

Once Alexandra was content that her face was hidden, she headed downstairs to join her father for breakfast.
She was thoroughly enjoying being at home for the summer holidays, as it meant she could lie in and have breakfast later in the day.
As she was not a fan of getting up early during term time.

"Good morning" exclaimed Alexandra as she strolled into the kitchen, and began making herself breakfast.
Her father was already sat at the table when she arrived, his fake revolving eye staring back at her.
"Is it? I thought it was nearly midday" mocked Alastor.
Alexandra glanced at the clock on the wall, before rolling her eyes, "It's only just gone 10".
"That's still plently of the day wasted" replied Alastor.
"Papa, not everyone enjoys getting up at the crack of dawn like you do. Besides, you say wasted, I say that I thoroughly enjoyed my time lounging around in bed".

"If your OWL results are anything to go by, then you shouldn't waste your life away in bed. You should be up and about, doing things" insisted Alastor.
"Just because I got all Outstandings, it doesn't mean I can't spend my summer procrastinating. Anyway, everyone knows it's your NEWTs that really count when you are trying to get a job, not your OWLs. And I still have 2 more years before I take my NEWT exams" replied Alexandra.
"The only reason you passed your OWLs with such flying colours, is because I have been teaching you at home, since you were a little kid. I got you a wand when you were 8, and taught you how to become an unregistered animagus" reminded Alastor.
"I know papa" sighed Alexandra.

Realising that he wouldn't win this argument with his daughter, Alastor decided to change the subject.
"When are you meeting the girls?" He asked.
"At 1°clock, inside the Leaky Cauldron" answered Alexandra, as she stuffed a piece of toast in her mouth.
"You're not going to drink any alcohol are you?" Questioned Alastor.
"At 1°clock in the afternoon? Don't be daft. We're just going to get a coffee, and then maybe do some shopping in Diagonally, since Alicia and Angelina do love going into Quality Quidditch Supplies. And don't worry, I will check my coffee for poisons before I drink it. You haven't raised an idiot"
"That's good to know".


As Alexandra was clearing away her breakfast things, she suddenly saw a giant bird flying towards the house.
"Merlin's beard. Papa, Fawkes is here" shouted Alexandra, as she ran to open the window, so that the phoenix could fly in.
Alastor immediately jumped up and took the envelope that had been tied to Fawkes's leg.
The bird then took off back into the sky, leaving no trace that he had been there.

"I wonder why Professor Dumbledore felt the need to send you a letter via Fawkes, instead of using a normal owl, like everybody else" frowned Alexandra.
"Because he is a smart man who doesn't take any chances, just like me. What he wishes to tell me must be important, which is why he didn't want anyone else getting their hands on this letter" replied Alastor, before tearing off the envelope and opening up the letter inside.

Alexandra watched in silence for several minutes, as her father read through Dumbledore's letter.
"Well?" She asked, when Alastor eventually put the letter down.
"Dumbledore wishes for me to teach at Hogwarts next term, taking the currently vacant Defense Against the Dark Arts post" answered Alastor.
"What? Why in Merlin's name would he want you to do that?" Quizzed Alexandra.
"You know as well as I do, that the Triwizard Tournament is taking place at Hogwarts in your next year. And Dumbledore wants somebody he trusts at the school, to make sure that no funny business goes on. Considering who the teachers at Durmstrang and Beauxbatons are, I'm not suprised Dumbledore wants an ex-auror like me there".

"But papa, you're retired, remember. You're not as good as you used to be" Alexandra said quietly.
"I am not retired. The Ministry fired me, because I stopped taking orders from them. I am still just as skilled as I was when I was working for the auror department" insisted Alastor.
"You're no teacher though" reminded Alexandra.
"I'll have you know that I trained many young aurors when they entered the academy. My prodigy Nymphadora Tonks, became a brilliant auror under my watch. I also taught all of the new recuits that joined the Order of the Phoenix. And I'm sure teaching a new generation of kids how to defend themselves, will be no problem for someone like me. I taught you didn't I, and you just got all Outstandings in your OWLs. Which means that I am a brilliant teacher".

"You can't take credit for all of my successes, as that's a little unfair. And teaching your daughter one to one at home, is very different to teaching a whole school full of disobedient students, using a standardised curriculum" admitted Alexandra.
"You don't think I can do it?" Frowned Alastor.
"I'm just saying that you're not at your best right now, and I don't want you to become a laughing stock" insisted Alexandra.

"You don't want you, to become a laughing stock you mean. You're embarrassed of me, and you don't want to be seen with me in public" spat Alastor.
"I'm not embarrassed of you dad. You're one of the toughest people on the planet, with a pretty badass reputation. But I'm just saying that there is a resson none of the other teacher's have families. Because the other kids are going to bully me very heavily when they find out my dad is their teacher. Kids are awful, and they pick on the easy targets, that is just the way the world works" replied Alexandra.

"Are you saying you can't handle a few bullies?" Questioned Alastor.
"Of course not. I could easily defeat a whole group of the best 7th years in a duel. But that doesn't mean I want to endure taunts from my classmates all year long, because you are our teacher" answered Alexandra.
"Just challenge them all to a duel, and then they won't dare to pick on you anymore. Once you've put them in their place, you'll be fine" insisted Alastor.
"You don't know what it's like there. Nearly every day I hear someone whisper something about my face behind my back. And I hate it. Ugly people like me have a harder job fitting in with our peers, and you know it".

"You shouldn't be embarrassed of how you look. Your scars show that you are brave, and that you lived through something traumatic. People should look up to you, because of your scars" said Alastor.
"That only works for the famous Harry Potter, and I am not him" mumbled Alexandra.
"Should I be ashamed of my scars as well then?" Questioned Alastor.
"No, of course not. But your scars are from battles, which you won. Mine are just from an incident that I miraculously survived as a kid. An incident that I don't even remember. So my scars don't hold as much weight as yours do, and that is why I don't like them".

Alastor sighed, and placed his hand on his daughter's shoulder.
"I know this is going to be difficult for you, but this is something I must do. I have to go to Hogwarts. I want to keep you safe, and this is the only way I can do it" informed Alastor.
"I'm in no danger at Hogwarts" lied Alexandra.
"You have faced a life threatening event every single year that you've been there. And with the Triwizard Tournament happening this year, I fully expect that dangerous streak to continue. Especially with Igor Karkaroff in the castle. Once a death eater, always a death eater, and I want to keep that man as far away from you as I can" revealed Alastor.

"I'm not worried about my life. It's yours that concerns me. Everyone knows the Defense Against the Dark Arts position is cursed. No one has lasted longer than a year in it. And I don't want something bad to happen to you" Alexandra said quietly.
"I am your father, it is my job to worry about you, not the other way around. Look, I'm going to be fine, I promise. And one way I can ensure my survival is to only sign onto the post for a year. No matter what happens, I will leave my post next year. I am taking this position as a 1 year favour to Dumbledore, and to keep Karkaroff away from you. Once this year is over, everything will go back to normal, you'll see" reassured Alastor.
"I guess I will" sighed Alexandra, realising that this was not a fight she was going to win, for once her father had set his mind to something, there was no changing it.

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