3. Quidditch Girls

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Even though Alexandra loved Quidditch, her father had flat out refused to let her join the Gryffindor team.
Alastor Moody didn't believe in taking unnecessary risks. And flying around getting hit by balls, was definitely an unnecessary risk.
So, even though Alexandra could fly really well, she wasn't allowed to join the team with her best friends; Angelina Johnson and Alicia Spinnet.
Despite not being on the team, Alexandra attended a lot of the Quidditch practices, just to watch her friends fly, and help Oliver Wood with the team tactics.
She also became close with Fred and George Weasley, who were also on the Gryffindor Quidditch team.
With Oliver Wood having just graduated, Alexandra was unsure about who would be the next team captain.

Alexandra was the first to arrive at the Leaky Cauldron that afternoon, as she always arrived early to scout out places for danger.
She hated that her dad had made her so paranoid and careful.
But since she knew why her dad was like that, she couldn't berate him for it, to his face.
He just wanted to keep her alive, and not lose her, like he'd lost her mother.

"Hi Alex".
Alexandra was interupted from her thoughts by Alicia's arrival.
She grinned and stood up to embrace her friend, "Hey Ali".
"So, what's new in your life?" Asked Alicia, as both girls sat down at the table.
"Not much, since I only saw you a week ago, and nothing that interesting has happened since then. We should really wait for Angelina to arrive anyway, before we dive into a conversation" replied Alexandra.
"I guess you've got a point" sighed Alicia.

Angelina arrived a few minutes later looking quite out of breath.
"Sorry I'm late" she apologised.
"What kept you?" Asked Alexandra.
"Well, just as I was getting ready to leave, the tickets arrived" answered Angelina excitedly.
"No way. You actually got them" gasped Alicia.
"Yep. Three last minute tickets to the Quidditch world cup final" revealed Angelina.
"Merlin's beard. That's amazing, I didn't think you were going to be able to get them. I can't believe that the three of us get to go to the Quidditch world cup together. We are going to have so much fun" beamed Alicia.

"If my dad let's me go" mumbled Alexandra.
"You still haven't asked him yet?" Frowned Alicia.
"I wanted to wait until Angie got the tickets, before I brought up that conversation with him" admitted Alexandra.
"Do you think he is going to say yes?" Questioned Angelina.
"I don't know. The world cup final is a big security risk. Thousands of people all squeezed into a stadium, half of which will be supporting a different team to the other. Not to mention the fact that we will have to spend several nights in a tent, on a Muggle field, and the three of us are all unable to use magic outside of Hogwarts yet. I'm fine with the risk, but I don't know if my dad will be" answered Alexandra.

"It won't be the same without you" said Alicia sadly.
"She's right. It's going to be such a big event, that you just can't miss it. Fred and George told me that their whole family is going, as are the Diggory's. So, you've just got to come, because we are all going to have so much fun" added Angelina.
Alexandra blushed, "Cedric is going?".
"Of course he is. Everyone knows that Cedric loves Quidditch as much as we do. He wouldn't want to miss out on seeing the world cup final" replied Angelina.
"And we all know why Alex wants to know if he's going" teased Alicia.
"It's just a crush O.K. And I'm pretty sure that half of the school has a crush on him as well. It is not a two sided crush and he probably doesn't even know my name" admitted Alexandra.

"Anyway, back on topic. Is your dad going to let you come?" Quizzed Angelina.
"Under normal circumstances I would say that the odds were not in my favour. However, dad has just agreed to do something that I'm not happy about, which means that he owes me. So, I might be able to convince him to let me go with you guys" answered Alexandra.
"What's he done that you don't like?" Asked Angelina.
"He's agreed to be the next Defense Against the Dark Arts teacher"
"You're joking"
"I'm afraid I'm not".

"Why would he want to teach a cursed position at Hogwarts?" Questioned Alicia.
"To keep me safe apparently" sighed Alexandra.
"Hogwarts isn't that dangerous" replied Alicia.
Alexandra raised an eyebrow, "Ali, we literally face life threatening events every year. Last year we had Dementors, werewolves, and escaped convicts running around. The year before, the Chamber of Secrets was opened, and students were getting Petrified all over the place. And the year before that-"
"O.K O.K, you've made your point".

"I'm just saying, that Hogwarts is dangerous and there's no point in denying it. But my dad has only taken this job because Dumbledore requested him personally. He sent him an owl this morning, asking him if he will take the job" informed Alexandra.
"I wonder why Dumbledore did that. He doesn't normally go around asking people to work for him. Don't people usually just apply for it, like every other job?" Quizzed Alicia.
Alexandra bit her lip, unsure of how to answer, since she wasn't allowed to talk about the Triwizard Tournament yet, as it was not public knowledge. But she also didn't want to lie to her best friends.

"I guess Dumbledore just thinks that things are getting worse each year, and he wants an ex-auror at the school, to stop more bad things from happening. Either that, or he couldn't get anyone to accept the job, so he has had to reach out to his contacts, and beg one of them to take it" suggested Alexandra, spinning the truth slightly.
"No one wants to accept a job that is cursed" replied Alicia.
"Well, dad has promised that he is only going to sign up to teach for one year. So, hopefully the curse won't effect him, because he has no intention of staying at Hogwarts for longer than a year" said Alexandra.

"Are you worried about him?" Asked Angelina.
"A bit. I know that in his prime he was the best auror in the department. But he's been retired for a while now, and I'm worried that he isn't as good as he used to be. The selfish part of me is also scared that is going to embarrass me, since no one else has their parents teaching them" answered Alexandra.
"I'm sure he'll be O.K. He did used to be the best, so I'm sure there is nothing at Hogwarts that can best him. I bet he'll be a great teacher" reassured Alicia.
"I hope you're right" sighed Alexandra.

"She is. Now, let's order some coffees and talk about happier things, like who we think is going to win the Quidditch world cup final" announced Angelina.
"It's going to be Ireland for sure" insisted Alicia.
"No way. Krum is too good of a Seeker" countered Alexandra, letting her worries about her dad slip away, as she talked about Quidditch with her 2 best friends in the entire world.

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⏰ Last updated: Sep 04, 2023 ⏰

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