Chapter 1: Stormy Arrival

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The scream of the F-15C Eagle's engine filled Sarah Price's ears as her plane cruised through the clear blue skies of Strangereal, her call sign "Cipher" known far and wide as a legendary ace pilot. Flying along side her was AWACS Eagle Eye, her trusted companion in the vast skies above the Belkan state.

Eagle Eye's voice crackled over the radio, "Galm 1, all systems green, we're on a routine patrol no enemy activity. No sign of enemy activity, remain on your current heading."

Sarah responded, her voice steady, "Wilco, Eagle Eye. Just another quiet day in the skies."

As they continued their patrol, the skies suddenly darkened, and turbulence rocked Sarah's aircraft. Alarms blared, and her instruments went haywire.

"What the hell is going on?!" Sarah exclaimed, struggling to regain control of her aircraft.

Eagle Eye's voice became frantic "Cipher, we're caught in some kind of storm! I've lost communication with base!"

Sarah fought to stabilize her aircraft but the turbulence was relentless. Lightning danced across the sky, and she could barely make out her surroundings. Moments later the storm spat her out in a unfamiliar world. Her instruments were still malfunctioning and she had no idea where she was.

Sarah's voice trembled as she reported, "Eagle Eye, this is Galm 1. I have no Idea where I am. My instruments are shot but I can still fly. Requesting assistance."

Static was her only response. No voice came through the radio.

As she struggled to maintain control, Sarah found herself flying over a quaint but unfamiliar town. She attempted to communicate with the local air traffic control, but all she received were garbled voices and incomprehensible words.

Before she could react, the radio crackled to life with a new voice, one she had never heard before. "Unidentified aircraft, this is the commander of the 501st joint fighter wing, state your intention and affiliation."

Sarah was taken aback but quickly responded, "This is Galm 1, I'm with the Ustio Air Force's 6th Air Division. I have no hostile intent. I don't even know how I ended up here or where I am."

The voice on the other end responded, "Galm 1, you are under our jurisdiction. Maintain your current heading. A welcoming party will escort you shortly."

Sarah complied, still confused as to where she is. She scanned the skies for any sign of her escort, not knowing what to expect. 

Minutes later, a group of peculiar aircraft with large leg like structures intercepted her. They were unlike any planes she had ever seen, their design baffling to her trained eye.

"Unidentified aircraft, reduce speed and follow us," came the voice over the radio again.

Sarah hesitated but decided to comply. She couldn't shake the feeling that this was unlike any mission she had ever encountered. As she followed the strange aircraft towards an unfamiliar airfield, her mind raced with questions about her current situation.

The strange aircraft led Sarah to an airfield nestled amidst picturesque countryside. As she descended, she saw a group of young women dressed in unique uniforms, standing at attention with machine guns in hand. As Sarah's aircraft touched down on the unfamiliar airfield, she taxied to a stop, the engines winding down. the strange aircraft with leg-like structures landed gracefully around her, forming a protective perimeter.

The young women in unique uniforms approached her cautiously, their expressions a mix of curiosity and vigilance. Among them was a tall woman with long, flowing hair and an air of authority.

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