Chapter 7: A Cry for Distance

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Following the intense battle with Pixy, the 501st Strike Witches find Sarah drifting through the skies, her Striker Unit damaged and herself wounded. They rush her back to the base for treatment.

Alone in the medical facility, Sarah finds herself in the company of Minna, the commander she has grown close to. However, amidst their usual intimacy, Sarah feels a sudden urge to distance herself, resulting in a formal address to Minna by her rank instead of her name. The air thickens with an unspoken tension, unfamiliar with their usually warm interactions.

Minna, sensing Sarah's discomfort, speaks gently. "Sarah, are you feeling alright? You can talk to me."

Sarah, struggling to maintain composure, responds with a formality that's unusual between them. "Commander, I appreciate your concern, but I'm fine. It's just a scratch."

Minna notices the shift in Sarah's tone and demeanor. She knows there's more beneath the surface. "Sarah," Minna says softly, using her rank but also showing a depth of care, "you don't need to put up walls. We know about your past. You don't have to face it alone."

Sarah's facade begins to crack. Tears well up in her eyes as she tries to hold back her emotions, attempting to hide her vulnerability. However, the weight of her past, the battles fought, and the losses suffered become too overwhelming.

"I... I can't," Sarah stammers, her voice trembling. "I'm not ready to confront everyone, not like this."

Minna reaches out, placing a reassuring hand on Sarah's shoulder. "You don't have to. We're here to support you, Sarah, whatever it may be."

Unable to contain her emotions any longer, Sarah breaks down into tears, the floodgates of her suppressed feelings opening up. Minna remains by her side, offering comfort and understanding as Sarah grapples with the turmoil of her past, knowing that true healing will take time and trust among comrades who have become like family.

While Sarah confides in Minna inside the infirmary, the rest of the 501st huddles outside, concerned murmurs echoing among them. They care deeply for Sarah, but the knowledge of her past as a feared mercenary leaves them uneasy, unsure of how to bridge the gap between their comrade and her troubled history.

As they wait, they overhear Sarah's words seeping through the door. Her distressed voice reaches them, echoing with a sense of despair. "I can't be here anymore... if I stay here, everyone will get hurt because of me," she confides in Minna, her tone laced with anguish.

Mio, exchanges glances with Yoshika, her concern evident. "Do you think she's planning to leave?" Mio whispers, worry etched in her voice.

Yoshika frowns, feeling the weight of Sarah's distress. "I don't know, but we can't let her leave. She's part of our team, part of us."

Minna emerges from the infirmary, her expression somber yet resolute. "She's struggling. Her past haunts her more than we realize," she explains, sharing Sarah's words with the group. "She feels that staying will only bring danger to us."

Lynette, her voice filled with determination, speaks up. "We can't just let her go. She's one of us. We have to help her."

The others nod in agreement, their concern for Sarah outweighing their apprehensions. They resolve to stand by her side, to support her through the tumult of her past and the uncertainties of the present, understanding that their unity as a team might be the beacon of hope Sarah needs in her darkest moments.

Minna, determined to unravel the depths of Sarah's anguish, sits with her in the infirmary, seeking to understand the haunted mercenary's past. Sarah, still teary-eyed and wrought with emotions, tries to explain her harrowing past to Minna.

"My friend wanted to join the military when the war broke out," Sarah begins, her voice choked with emotion. "But she couldn't due to medical issues. So, she joined a mercenary group, and I... I joined with her to protect her."

Tears stream down Sarah's face as she recalls painful memories. "I thought I could keep her safe, but I failed. I couldn't save her... I couldn't save anyone. She was the only one I had left at the time. Everyone I know is dead," she confesses, her voice trembling with sorrow.

Minna listens intently, her heart aching for the pain Sarah has endured. "Sarah," Minna says softly, "it wasn't your fault. You did your best to protect someone dear to you."

Sarah's sobs subside momentarily as she looks at Minna, her eyes filled with grief and regret. "I carry their memories every day. I wish I could change what happened, but I can't."

Minna places a comforting hand on Sarah's shoulder. "We all have regrets, Sarah. What matters is how you move forward from here. You're not alone anymore. We're here for you," Minna reassures her, hoping to bring solace to the tormented mercenary.

Their conversation, though heartbreaking, marks a turning point—a moment of vulnerability and shared sorrow that brings Sarah closer to her comrades, fostering a newfound understanding and empathy among them. The bond between Sarah and the 501st Strike Witches grows stronger as they navigate the complexities of her troubled past together.

As Sarah's heartfelt confession echoes from the infirmary, the members of the 501st exchange worried glances among themselves. Sarah's words lingered heavily in the air, leaving a somber atmosphere in their midst.

"I'm tired of losing the people I care about, I'm tired of all this fighting," Sarah's emotional words resonate, reaching the ears of her comrades outside. Mio's expression reflects concern, her eyes betraying the weight of Sarah's despair.

"She's carrying so much pain," Mio murmurs, her voice tinged with sorrow. "I didn't realize she was carrying this much burden on her shoulders."

Yoshika nods in agreement, her usually cheerful demeanor clouded with concern. "She's been through so much. It's not easy for her to let go of her past."

Gertrud expresses her worries. "But what can we do to help her? She's been through battles we can't even imagine."

Minna, quietly exiting the infirmary, joins the conversation, her face reflecting both empathy and determination. "We have to show her that she's not alone. Our support might be the anchor she needs in these troubled times."

Shirley adds softly, "We can't force her to stay if she feels like she's causing harm. But we can remind her that she's part of this family."

Together, the members of the 501st pledge to stand by Sarah's side, offering support and comfort, understanding that healing from such deep wounds takes time and a united front. Their shared concern for Sarah strengthens their resolve to be there for her, regardless of the challenges ahead.

Moved by Sarah's heartfelt expression of weariness and grief, the members of the 501st gather in the infirmary, encircling Sarah with care and understanding. They exchange glances, their eyes conveying solidarity and support.

"We want you to stay, Sarah," Minna speaks softly, her voice carrying the collective sentiment of the group. "We understand the pain you're carrying, but you're not alone. You're part of our team, part of our family."

Sarah, visibly touched by the earnestness of her comrades, hesitates for a moment, grappling with conflicting emotions. She looks at each member of the 501st, seeing genuine concern and acceptance in their eyes.

"I... I'll stay," Sarah finally utters, her voice wavering with vulnerability. "But I don't want to cause any trouble."

Minna, overwhelmed with relief, leans forward and wraps Sarah in a warm embrace. "You're not causing trouble, Sarah. We're here for each other, through thick and thin," Minna assures her, her embrace a testament to the newfound bond between them.

The rest of the team joins in, offering their support and encouragement. Yoshika smiles warmly, Mio nods affirmatively, and even Gertrud and Lynette express their relief with gentle smiles, eager to welcome Sarah back into the fold.

In that moment, amidst shared empathy and unwavering support, Sarah finds solace and strength in the embrace of her comrades. The 501st Strike Witches reaffirm their unity, standing together through the trials and tribulations that lie ahead, united by their shared determination and camaraderie.

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