Chapter 10: A New Home

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A few days had passed since the last mission. Sarah woke up in her bed, greeted by the soft rays of the morning sun filtering through the window. As she looked out at the familiar scenery, a pang of nostalgia washed over her. "I'm gonna miss this place," she murmured to herself, already feeling the weight of impending change.

Determined to make the most of her remaining time, Sarah rose from her bed and began packing her belongings. The halls, once bustling with activity, now felt eerily quiet as she navigated through them, suitcase in hand. Room after room stood empty, a stark reminder of the imminent disbandment of the 501st.

Descending the stairs to the cafeteria, Sarah found the remaining members of the squadron gathered, each lost in their own thoughts as they prepared to part ways. She settled down next to Miyafuji and Lynette, offering them a small smile of solidarity.

At the front of the room, Minna stood with a somber expression, her words carrying the weight of the occasion. "Today marks the end of our time together as the 501st," she began, her voice steady yet tinged with emotion. "It's been an honor serving alongside each and every one of you. We may be going our separate ways, but the bonds we've forged will always remain."

Sarah turned to Miyafuji and Lynette, her curiosity piqued by their destinations. Miyafuji's response sparked a sense of longing in Sarah, reminding her of her own homeland. "Going back to Fuso, huh? Must be nice to return home," she remarked, a hint of envy in her tone.

Lynette's answer, however, held a different significance. "Helping Perrine rebuild Gallia... That's admirable," Sarah said, her voice tinged with admiration. "I hope you'll be able to make a difference there."

When the conversation turned to her own assignment, Sarah couldn't help but inject a bit of humor. "Apparently I'm being assigned to the 502nd JFW," she explained, a playful smirk dancing on her lips. "I heard from Minna that they're a pretty talented bunch—probably not as skilled as me, though," she added, eliciting a chuckle from Miyafuji and Lynette.

Sarah turned around, surprised by Elia's offer. "Do you know them?" she asked, her curiosity piqued.

Elia nodded with a knowing smile. "Yup, Sanya and I have helped out the 502nd a few times," she explained. "And one of my old squadmates is stationed there. If you want, Sanya and I can escort you there."

Sarah's eyes widened with gratitude at Elia's generous offer. "You'd do that for me?" she asked, touched by their willingness to help.

"Of course," Elia replied warmly. "We'd be happy to show you around and introduce you to the members of the 502nd."

Sanya nodded in agreement. "It's the least we can do after all the times they've supported us during missions," she added.

Sarah felt a sense of relief wash over her. "Thank you both," she said sincerely. "I'd really appreciate the guidance."

As the time for farewells arrived, Sarah found herself saying goodbye to her comrades from the 501st. She double-checked her belongings, making sure she hadn't forgotten anything, when Minna approached her, looking slightly flustered.

"What's wrong, Minna?" Sarah asked, noticing her commander's nervous demeanor.

Minna took a deep breath, trying to compose herself. "I, um, I wanted to give you something before you leave," she explained, reaching into her pocket and pulling out a neatly wrapped gift.

Curious, Sarah accepted the gift and gently unwrapped it, revealing a beautiful silver pocket watch. Inside the watch was a small photo of Minna, smiling warmly.

"It's a memento, to remember me by," Minna explained, her cheeks flushed with color.

Sarah's heart swelled with emotion as she admired the pendant. "Thank you, Minna," she said, her voice filled with gratitude. "I'll treasure it always."

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