Chapter 4: Bonds and Secrets

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The night was calm, with a clear sky filled with shimmering stars. Sarah stood on the balcony of their base gazing up at the heavens. The peaceful silence was interrupted when a warm, familiar presence approached her from behind.

Minna gently draped a blanket around both of them, her voice a soft whisper in the cool night air. "You're going to catch a cold if you don't dress properly, Sarah."

Sarah smiled and leaned back against the railing, enjoying the warmth of the blanket and the company of her commander. She couldn't help but crack a joke to lighten the mood. "You know, Minna, if I had known I'd be sharing a blanket with the commander, I might have volunteered for more night shifts."

Minna chuckled, her laughter blending with the night.  "Well, I'm not sure the others would appreciate that arrangement, but I'm happy to share this moment with you."

As their laughter subsided, Sarah's curiosity got the better of her, and she turned to Minna with a thoughtful expression. "What are you going to say if the others see us like this? It might cause quite the commotion."

Minna's eyes sparkled with a mischievous glint as she replied, "Let them wonder. Sometimes, it's nice to break away from the formalities and just enjoy a quiet moment together."

The night breeze rustled around them as they sat in comfortable silence, taking in the tranquil scene. Sarah finally decides to break the silence. "Minna, what do you plan to do after the war?"

Minna's gaze turned contemplative. her thoughts drifting to a time beyond the battles they fought. "I've often thought about that. Perhaps retire to a peaceful life, tend to a garden, and enjoy the simple pleasures. But for now, my duty is to lead the 501st."

The silence returned, but it was filled with a certain tension, a weight that had hung between them since Sarah's arrival. She knew Minna was curious about her past, her actions back home, and the secrets she guarded. To break the ice, Sarah decided to take a step forward.

"You've been dying to know more about me, haven't you?" Sarah said with a sly grin. "I'll make you a deal. You can ask one question, and I'll answer truthfully. In return for a reward~."

Minna's eyes sparkled with curiosity as she considered her question carefully. Finally, she asked, "Sarah, what is your greatest regret?"

Sarah's smile faded, replaced by a sombre expression as she looked up at the stars. She took a deep breath, her voice carrying the weight of years of pain and loss. "My greatest regret... is not being able to save those closest to me."

The weight of Sarah's confession hung in the air as she stared at the starry sky. Minna, too, was silent for a moment, absorbing the gravity of Sarah's words. Finally, she spoke, her voice filled with empathy. "I'm sorry to hear that, Sarah. War has taken much from us, and sometimes, it feels like there's no way to make amends."

Sarah nodded, grateful for Minna's understanding, even if her scars were too deep to ever fully heal. As they sat there, enveloped in the warmth of the blanket and each other's presence, Sarah couldn't help but feel a sense of relief as if a weight had been lifted from her soul.

With a soft smile, Sarah broke the silence, her voice carrying a hint of playfulness. "You know, Minna, it's time for my reward, isn't it?"

Minna chuckled, her eyes dancing with amusement. "I suppose you've earned it," she replied.

Sarah leaned in, closing the distance between them, and their lips met in a gentle, tender kiss. It was a moment of shared vulnerability and connection, a silent promise of trust and understanding.

However, their intimate moment was abruptly interrupted when the door to the balcony swung open. Sanya and Eila, two other members of the 501st, stood there, their eyes widening in surprise as they stumbled upon the unexpected scene.

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