Chapter 6: Crossroad of Redemption

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Minna raced through the narrow hallways of the base, her heart pounding in her chest. She had just learned about Sarah's breakdown in the hangar, and her concern for the young recruit weighed heavily on her mind. She knew that Sarah needed their support and understanding now more than ever.

But as she hurried towards the hangar, her steps faltered when she heard the unmistakable roar of Sarah's Striker Unit engines. It echoed through the base, a thunderous sound that sent shivers down Minna's spine. She knew that Sarah was taking off, and the urgency of the situation intensified.

Minna's own injuries from the previous battle slowed her down, making it impossible for her to reach Sarah in time. She felt a sense of helplessness wash over her as she realized that she couldn't prevent Sarah from flying off in her current state.

Desperate to do something, Minna turned and sprinted back towards the room where the other Witches were gathered. They were on edge, the sound of the Striker Unit engines having sent shockwaves of unease through their ranks.

Breathless and alarmed, Minna addressed the group, her voice urgent. "Listen, everyone. Sarah has taken off in her Striker Unit. I believe she's gone in search of someone from her past, and we need to find her before things escalate further."

The room buzzed with a mixture of confusion and concern. Perrine was the first to voice her worries. "But Commander, what if she's in danger? Her emotional state was already fragile."

Minna nodded, acknowledging the gravity of the situation. "I know, Perrine. That's why we have to find her and bring her back safely. We can't let her confront whatever ghosts from her past she's chasing alone."

Sanya and Eila, who had a unique bond with Sarah and had seen the turmoil within her, exchanged determined glances. "We'll help you find her, Commander," Eila said.

Mio, expressed her agreement. "I'll coordinate the search efforts from here. We'll use our radar to track her down."

As the 501st Joint Fighter Wing planned their attack to eliminate the mysterious plane and rescue Sarah, Sarah herself continued her frantic search in the skies. The dense clouds obscured her vision, making it difficult to spot any traces of the elusive aircraft she pursued.

A sense of unease gnawed at her, prompting her to deploy her magical shield as a precaution. It was a decision that would prove crucial in the moments to come. Just as she raised her shield, a sudden burst of energy lanced through the cloud cover, a deadly laser beam streaking directly toward her.

Sarah's shield flared to life just in time, the barrier absorbing the deadly energy attack. The force of the impact sent shockwaves through her body, and she struggled to maintain her course. The clouds around her were illuminated by the brilliant light of the laser, and the cacophonous roar of the energy weapon echoed through the skies.

As the clouds began to dissipate, revealing the snowy landscape beneath, the source of the attack emerged from the mist. Sarah's heart tightened as she laid eyes on the aircraft before her—the ADFX-02 Morgan. It was a Belkan plane, a design she knew all too well, and it had only been piloted by one person—Pixy.

The sight of the Morgan sent shivers down her spine, as if she were looking at a ghost from her past. It was almost inconceivable. She had shot down Pixy and the Morgan during their duel at the Avalon Dam, an encounter she had believed to be fatal for her former comrade.

But here it was, the plane that had taken so much from her, standing before her once again. The memories of that fateful day rushed back, and Sarah was once again overwhelmed with conflicting emotions—fear, anger, and a deep sense of betrayal.

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